by Pooja
Published on: Oct 30, 2002
Type: Opinions

Whether animals have rights is a good question of great importance because if they do, those rights must be respected. Animals have properties that qualify them for protection of morality.
One of the most important issues in the animal rights work is farm animals. Farming has become industrialised. Cows are chained to a box for ten months in a row - being allowed out only for 8 weeks a year. Calves and oxen are kept inside during summer and cows are kept in box-like cages where they cannot even turn around. Almost all pigs spend their life inside. Over 20 million poultry are slaughtered every year. The female animals are put in battery cages, where they spend their 75 week life. Animals are spending all of their lives in cages. 500,000 foxes and 400,000 minks live in wire cages in order to produce Norwegian fur. People should respect the animal's right to a nature life.
These animals are often confined in small unnatural environments. The training of circus animals involves suffering, and the unnatural acts may be exhausting to the animals. 300,000 animals are killed in experiments each year. Stress pain and discomfort experiments are being conducted at Norwegian universities. Testing rabbits, was used to test new cosmetic and products for eyes and skin irritations. Animal experiments are being kept secret in Norway. Animals should be respected for what they are in their natural environment.
ISAR began national homeless Animals day to publicize dog and cat overpopulation, to increase awareness of the millions of dogs and cats killed in shelter for lack of homes. More than any other event, significance of the overpopulation problem, and the killing must stop.

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