by Gabriel Mauricio Sarmiento Argüello
Published on: May 11, 2006
Type: Opinions

The Pandemic of Fear, Vol.II

...If we now cry for lack of earth resources imagine what would happen when there would be a lack of our own human resources to think...

The biggest threat for China, in a synthetic statement would be “the explosion of labor machines with mental poverty”. Individuals without significant skills to accomplish their own dreams and poverty understood as the impossibility of having voice, vote and rights.

Men and women specialized in such particular tasks that become part of a great mass of order followers. Super efficient slave devices within capitalism production factors made out of a profit oriented mindset. But as it's seen, it is all about freedom and how the market absorbs the greatest minds in the division of labor without exploiting their full potential.

Wasted over 200 million people entering a market economy with clear mechanisms of absorption and without an established system that could make an efficient transition for example from doing quality control over a flow line of production to ambitious own entrepreneurship to generate wealth for a extremely poor society. Let’s imagine, what will happen when they realize that they’ve been oppressed by their companies and being kept under management following routines of commands from their superiors noticing that they’ve been kept only as order-follower devices without the chance to create and develop. Simply agents used for production would turn against a miss oriented market.

China's big potential to develop new massive labor systems should be concerned now about how their own workers would have a contingent plan to cover the expenses of not being able to fulfill their own dreams.

Countries besides China face a not so logical crisis, not so adverse to risk, where the unsatisfied employees will turn back to their own companies, leading to syndicates to move against the normal policies that eventually will lead into organizational problems such as misinformation, layoffs and uprising of workers, because they want to accomplish what they came to this world for. Isn't it what Sen stated, FREEDOM?. This might cause a global crisis, making a direct impact over economies leading to chaos and more poverty, sources of ideological groups of terrorism. Who’s got the power to lead those high stakes that would lead to a true development?.

The problem then is how to generate stability without harnessing any of the economies. Entrepreneurial campaigns is not only the solution, the way but not the end, it is just a tool to interact with investors. The main issue to be reviewed is the completely design of the mindset, supported by a broad network of institutions (external) and rules that promotes particular behaviors such risk liking among individuals (internal).

Everyone knows in management that employees should be treated with respect and never underestimate their potential, but this managerial team in some way would have to start investing in young individual, a win-win strategy as tangible productive assets in the long run, planning on getting return over the future production of that investment. Extra revenues and Joint Venture capital might be a great option. Besides direct aid in terms of finance resources, that top executives should clearly enhance a fearless and non-trapped labor mass.

Entrepreneurs should be able to take the necessary risk to fulfill their own requirements only if it is at least feasible, that's why with more creative incentives and preferences and risk-liking strategies, will lead to much competitive homes. It's important to notice, that would be devastating for entrepreneurs to give them direct aid, because they are in essence, innovators and problem solvers. What is important then about incentives is to place them in such a way that by creating their own business would makes things much easier.

On the other hand, risk liking strategies are not so easy to implement, especially on vulnerable individuals who smooth their consumption and income without real help. Subsidies are then a complete challenge in order to mobilize a starving society but it is necessary to start solving this inconvenient with the main stakeholders, mainly young workers who surely might have innovative ideas. Challenge them instead of asking them for a solution, take advantage of that wasted social capital, and link that with the former line of production and it will surely take us to better horizons.

Finally, it is clearly seen that we don’t need 6 billion entrepreneurs, what’s pretty about this, is that one mind could lead several others; executives then, should foster the creation of that single brilliant mind. Governments should start a true commitment against these misunderstanding of global development. Educational systems and corporate strategies should be now oriented towards how their own employees would have to treat them noticing that new point of realizing the harmful potential will lead us to catastrophe. The world demands a strong economic equilibrium, and knowing that with all the factors involved that equilibrium might seem reachable. No more attached workers scared to death of leaving its precarious wage. The world needs new concepts based on previous mistakes that should have to be reviewed in order to eradicate poverty and generate sustainable development, and a better way of living for all.

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