by michael merritt jr.
Published on: May 2, 2006
Type: Poetry

*(I believe that there is a war going on for the human spirit, some we are aware of and others we are not.)

Blankets of loneliness cover my heart, keeping its warmth and purity from being exposed to the cold elements of reality.

The ridicule of others stings my tender spirit, replacing its need for love with landscapes of decay.

Clouds of self-doubt start to hover above me as lighting strikes of self-pity flashes, tear drops fall down like rain while fear stands below defiant.

Hate begins to fed upon itself, swelling around me.

Suddenly a sense of light fills my soul, flooding its insides like a broken levy. This energy uplifts me; joy replenishes the nothingness and ignites a fiery torch that burns brightly within the dark cave of my spirit.

Rejuvenated and inspired, love strikes a death blow, slaying this mighty Goliath.

In return this love energy asks that it be shared with others, giving them strength to conquer the hate which eaths away at them.

It says: We can make it! We must try, We can't let negative people or situations kill our souls! Fight the good fight and let love be the guide. Remove this albatross from around your neck so that you can live a life of unity, peace and happiness until your change comes.

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