Published on: Feb 21, 2006 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Poetry | | | |
Crows are rare birds. Ask me why they’re So and I’ll answer “Go ask the crows!” Though they can, And act it out like Their peer birds, Crows are atypical. Crows are black, Gregarious, sharp; Crows are revered, Feared, ravenous, Yet, little does any Know that crows, Like smart kids, “Never forget”! Black and mythical, Black and ominous, Those are crows, Yes, crows for you! A murder of their Kith and kin, plus Their raucous caws Plunge humanity Into manic drama; Yet, crows, like Humanity, like Kids, “never forget”! From the Greeks To the Norse of Yore, from Native Americans to The Ogoni, Tales of the crows Are one and the same: Crows can fly and, They “never forget”! « return. |