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Ancient African Civilization!! - Get Ready to be Enlightened by the Storm Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Digital Storyteller, Canada Oct 2, 2001
Education , Culture , Culture   Opinions


Besides, Ancient Blacks creating the technology forming metal, Africans in the southern part of the continent had dug the most ancient mines found in the world. One of several discoveries was reported early in 1970, which was of an ancient mine in an iron-ore mountain in Swaziland, in southeast Africa. Stone as mining tools were found, and samples of charcoal remaining from old fires were tested by the radio-carbon dating technique. The mine turned out to be 43,000 years old!

Astronomy - Kenya

Complexity of astronomy was mastered by the people in West Africa known as the Dogon before Jesus Christ. Well known scientists from Michigan State had discovered African Stonehenge on the edge of Lake Turkana that was dated 300 years before Christ.

In their observations, they noticed that each huge pillar was accurately aligned with a star as it rose in 300 B.C. The evidence around the historical site proved that was a definite relationship existed between the pillars at Namoratunga and the stars. The scientists were able to conclude that an accurate and complex calendar system based on astronomical calculations was developed by the first millennium B.C. in eastern Africa.

The American scientists also discovered modern Cushites in Eastern Africa had a calendar based on the rising of certain stars and constellations. This being true, the modern Cushites had given life to one of the most accurate pre-Christian calendars of the prehistoric beginnings!

Another group of people in West Africa, known as the Dogon, had a very modern view of our solar system and of the universe. They lived in a mountainous area of the Republic of Mali, about 200 miles from where the legendary university of Timbuctoo once lay. They had justifiable interpretations of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, the spiral structure of the Milky Way Galaxy, in which our planet lies. They knew a billion worlds spiraled in space like the circulation of blood within the body of God. They knew that the moon was a unfruitful world. They said it was “dry and dead, like dried blood.” Basically, they knew of complex details about a star which no one can see except with the most powerful of telescopes. They saw it, observed it and estimated its mass and its nature. They plotted is orbit almost up until the year 2,000. Undoubtly, the Dogons did all of this between five and seven hundred years ago.

Despite how remarkable the Dogons had complex knowledge of astronomy, Eurocentric scientists would not accept that any African astronomer-priest could have developed a science of the heavens so advances that it could yield knowledge which, until the 20th century, escaped European observation.


In the study of the African history, mathematics is rarely mentioned. People with narrow-minded perceptions, are of the opinion that Africans are incapable of developing a conceptual body of thought. It may be true that not all Africans had mathematics, but neither did all Europeans.

The earliest evidence of the use of numbers is a find in Africa in the Congo (Zaire). On a 8,000 year old bone, markings of a notation count was found. It is known as the Ishango bone since it was found near an ancient fishing site of that name. The engraved marks on the Ishango bone had “close tally between the groups of marks and the astronomical lunar periods. A number of extensive tests gave even closer lunar approximations.” It was concluded that the notches on the bone, was used as a lunar calendar, comprising a period of almost six months. Definitely, the evidence was of one of man’s earliest intellectual activities.

Depending on the need for mathematics, systems of numerations may range in Africa from a few number words to the extensive numerical vocabulary of African nations having a history of centuries of commerce.

In Yoruba and the related people of the city of Benin in Nigeria, who have urbanized farmers and traders for centuries, is one nation where they developed and used a complex number system. Yoruba numerals demonstrated how the people in Western Africa had the capacity for abstract reasoning to develop and learn such a system.

Scientific discoveries had been also made in Eastern Africa. Evidence of of the “protomathematics” in southeast Africa has been traced back to 25,000 years ago. The existence of mathematical papyri from 1800 B.C.E. that are believed to be the first mathematical textbooks, containing formulas that allow for study in number theory, geometry, trigonometry and algebra.

Although Greek mathematicians and philosophers gave recognition to African science’s contributions, many of today historians still refuse to give such recognition to Africa.


The African multi-genius Imphotep is considered as the first physician in history who’s his remedies which saved many human lives. As a member of the pharaoh’s court Imphotep was the first universal architect, philosopher, scribe, priest, chief lector, astronomer, magician, and administrator in the history of civilization. Besides there is clear evidence of his title as the “Father of Medicine”, for 3000 years he was worshipped as a god in Greece and Rome. Early Christians worshipped him as the "Prince of Peace."


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Digital Storyteller

Writer - Educator - Poet

Nice Posting
HANNIBAL | Mar 27th, 2002
I must add that this is a very good posting on the history of the Black race. Congratulations to the author. I always believe that if other races take an interest in Black history the world would be a better place to live in. Yes, it is true that peoples in other countries such as China and India had developed a high level of civilization. What is not generally understood or realized is that the original inhabitants of those countries were Blacks. The first two dynasties of China were Black dynasties while India was originally a Black nation. The word "India" means Black. The presence of Blacks in China can be found in ancient texts like the Tcheu-Li written during the time of the Tcheu dynasty (1122-249 B.C.). There are other references. The present peoples of Japan arrived at their present location only a few thousand years ago. They displaced the "Ainu" who appear to be caucasian. yet the Ainu themselves claim they annihilated pygmies whom they called the "koropokguru". They are believed to be negritos, who can be found in the Philippines and other places. Blacks have contributed immensely to world civilization.

mohagany | Dec 14th, 2002
You hit it right on the nail!I feel that your article should be read by the masses of Black people to reaffirm that we come from a great nation of people and we can achieve anything we put our mind to.The road has already been paved by our ancestors.

R Kahendi | Dec 23rd, 2002
I admire the enthusiasm with which you wrote your article. I must add, though, that it is sad that individuals have to be reminded about the long-forgotten and even concealed achievements of their ancestors in order to develop some dignity and self-worth. Only a small portion of the world's population acquires some form of formal education. What this means is that very few people have access to the information and knowledge that some take for granted. If it wasn't for some history and language courses, I still wouldn't know the extent of the interaction between different cultures globally and the influences that these have had on each other. I wouldn't know, for example, that Islam had once spread as far as China and Spain, or that Greek Philosophy had profound influences on Islamic thought. Now, as I read what you say about the black race and Africa in general, I can't help seeing the perspective that you are seeing things from. Let me tell you a bit about my own perspective. I am African. And I must admit that in the past, I would feel proud about the achievements of fellow Africans, whether in the past or present, because I felt that it somehow reflected on my African identity. I have since changed, though. I now realise that, African or not, I am not a likely descendant of the ancient Egyptians or Dogon. Any admiration that I feel for their successes comes from the fact that they are human achievements, and show me the heights that I can personally aspire too. For the same reason, I admire the cultural and literary achievements of the Greeks, Arabs, French, Britons etc. At the same time, I keep in mind the depths to which each of these groups has fallen, and realise that the evils of colonialism and the slave trade reflect the evils that every single one of us is capable of, regardless of race. So while I congratulate you on your efforts to find out more about your origins, I urge you to broaden your quest for knowledge. The different African civilisations that you mention achieved what they did because they were in constant interaction with other cultures. You too can learn alot about human history and develop your own potential by learning from other cultures. If you do believe that all of mankind is descended from two humans, then it only makes sense to see that our history is a shared one. Don't see all the global civilisations as developing in vacuums and in isolation from each other. Try to see the common ideas in their religious practices, folklore, architecture, languages and political systems. When you can do that, you will realise that equality does exist. We just don't know where to look for it.

Africa is indeed the cradle of humans.
Olusanya Adesye Adebayo | Nov 26th, 2003
Yes! this article has really dealt with the truth about Africa. Africa is indeed the motherland and has got brains and is not a land of 'black monkeys'.If we don't shy away from the truth, then definately the truth shall set us free from the shackles of racism and inequality.

You MUST be kidding
Ravi Iloveafrica | Dec 3rd, 2003
First off Nordine, the word is illiterate, not "illerate," but before I continue I must say that your inability to spell does do a lot to enhance the pure silliness of your fictional account of African "civilization." I hate to be a party pooper guys, but I'm going to have to set a few things straight: 1. There is no such thing as an indigenous African writing system in Sub-Saharan Africa. Africans, thereby, are historically NOT literate people, they didn't have books, or school, or math for that matter. I think they had (and still have, given the high rates of "illercy" in sub-Saharan Africa) "oral tradition." Now I'm not promoting any racist thoughts about Africa; I truly think that Africa does have some historically redeeming qualities (like the interesting wildlife), but civilization (as defined in the traditional sense) is NOT one of them. Also, Hannibal: you're not fooling anyone (not even the illiterate brotheren) when you make claims about Black Chinese Dynasties, and India meaning the word "black." Lay off the LSD, and stay in school--you might actually learn something! Finally: I feel dumber now purely based on the fact that I actually read this forum and am responding to it. Please stop mis-representing Africa with myth and fantasy. I know you're looking for something significant to identify with, but this really isn't the way to go about it.

Good piece of work
Tawanda | Apr 6th, 2004
Thanks Nordy for a good account. But I have a few words for the dumper Ravi. Its not amazing that you felt dumper after reading this article. You are indeed dump. Anyone who believes spellings make any story sillier has to be dump. But Ravi's misunderstanding of history is unfortunate, though not uncommon. Ravi says that civilization 'as defined in the traditional sense' is not one of the "historically redeeming qualities" of Africa. What a fool!

The Ancient Black Secret!
Anande Pallangyo | Feb 6th, 2007
I have no sympathy for those who consistently deny the magnificence of the Black Race. Look at the world order now, and ask yourself why it is that the Black Race is the only race ridiculed, tortured, abused, misconceived, and annihilated. And look at the white race, the more 'advanced' race, and you will see inconsistencies and incoherences, laiden with laziness and inadequeces, leading to hatred for those who know much better how it is to live. Something which saddens me, though, is one when of my own denies his/her heritage (I have a family member who has so it hurts). Ravi, I don't know who you've been speaking to or been brainwashed into believing, but, I know and believe that the truth (and it is happening in our false time/reality) will set a lot, A LOT! of people free, and those who choose to go against truth, will perish. Interpret Revelations well, and you will know what it is is being said. The white race has complicated matters by simplifying the divine, and I mean also us, apart from our universe, but when you look through the words, you see how simple the message is. People will always find a way to discredit truth, but you cannot bind nature, nor believe you are above it, not part of it. Hence the floods, earthquakes, and 'natural disasters' of the world occurring on account of the fear which drives the human as a slave. The Earth is fighting back, and if we are not careful, there will begin the end for many, but rejoicingly, the begginning of the end for many. Yes they will experience the hell they have been wanting everyone else to live. Read the bible, history books on afrikan civilisation, what the Greeks did, and so on, and Ravi, you may have the brain capacity to put it all together. The Black Race was once a divine entity, an adult teaching the child (white race) how to be. Their legacy was stolen by the Greeks, who then plundered them and their land, to introduce false philosophers who, all of a sudden, knew all about the Sciences, Arts, Mathematics, Astronomy, Poetry, Music, Philosophy in short! Live Long The Blacks! We Will See Once Again Our Paradise Created!

Himesh Patel | Mar 25th, 2007
Hey everyone, here are a couple of links you might be interested in. The first is entitled the Wonders of the African World and is based on a tv programme they made in the states, and the second is come info on the ancient university of timbuktu in mali, which, in the eleventh century, was one of the largest and most active in the world. http://www.pbs.org/wonders/ http://www.timbuktufoundation.org/ Ravi must be some kind of joker, posting on here with a last name like Iloveafrica so I wouldnt pay too much attention to him. This is the kind of stuff noone at all knows about in the UK. We dont learn a thing about pre-colonial Africa and the impression most people have and hold through their lives is of pre-colonial Africa as a backward place, without any of the architecture, industry, education or infrastructure of the West. This is a highly ignorant Eurocentric view and many people would benefit greatly by being enlightened.

That's Real!
emmanuel otchere-darko | Apr 5th, 2007
Civilization began in Africa. Don't lets compromise on our dignity as Africans, we have a lot to offer. Lets unite as Africans and reclaim our lost glory! The key to open our indigenious technology lies in our culture, language which we seem to have abandoned. Hail Africa!!!

Eugenia Bivines | Jun 16th, 2007
I love this article. Keep up the good work. There are many quotes here and it is sad to see that some still do not except that Africa is and always will be the motherland. Yes there are others who have achieved higher standards of Civilization; But it is African who taught other human tribes,cultures and manking how to live in a civilized manner. I will not go into detail for fear of offending others. A Job Well Done :-)

ken | Mar 5th, 2008
some corrections,when theymean zimbabwe had the largest stone sites they were talking about sites outside of northeast africa.as you know sudan and ethiopia has alot of areas that were built of stone.sudan in fact as more pyraimds than egypt.outside of northeast africa mali has the largest sites that nned to be dug up and there were cities in west africa ,northeast africa and some other areas that were larger than great zimbabwe.check out the 100known things you should know about africa.it's a great site. oh and steel was invented too in nubia.at a high level.starting around 300b.c. and was becoming widespread and became even more widespread after 350 a.d. Topic: Hindu Achievements/some corrections http://tigurl.org/yt8pa5 Topic: Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies http://tigurl.org/op7wh7 peace.

early africa
ken | Mar 5th, 2008
check out www dot egyptsearch dot com type in as one word.where the dot is above put the real dot in.

ken | Mar 5th, 2008
certain african civilizations are still higher than europe or anyone else.africans on average are still the most civilized too.

Erich K | Dec 24th, 2008
Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans.

Erich K | Dec 24th, 2008
Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans.

Erich K | Dec 24th, 2008
Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans.

Erich K | Dec 24th, 2008
Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans. Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans. Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans. Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans. Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans. Actually, Anne Valkering you couldn't be more wrong First of all, Northern Europe developed before southern Europe. Skara Brae, dún fhearghusa, New Grange, Stone Henge, etc. Secondly, Chinese civilization was started by a group of Europeans called the TOCHARIANS. Or you could search for in google "Tarim basin mummies" they were Tocharians. THe tocharians spoke and INDO-EUROPEAN language and it has be traced back to WESTERN EUROPE. These people introduced BRONZE to the Chinese (who had no large civilization at this time.) The weapons that the Tocharians used were the same weapons used by the Aryans when they invaded India (Aryan invasion of India, I'm sure you know about it.) The Southern Europeans of today are different than the southern Europeans of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Italy had the onslaught of the Arabs during their expansion and Greece has been ruled by the Turks for 500 years resulting in darker skinned people. Before this they didn't look much different that Northern Europeans.

nwabueze eleke | Aug 10th, 2010
You are amazing with this very contribution , but you need to understand the cosmic micro wave radiation background of Atlantic ocean current motion glorious spiritual head being host body of human race ancient path way in one body language symbol seal of life cosmic kind of beast in air form central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere .

Aryan belong from Bharat(India)
Vasdhev kutumbakam | Dec 11th, 2012
Erich K ....you have some miusconception about aryan people.....in anciant time Bharat is not current India ....it king have rule on chine, india,pakistaan,afganistaan and arab countries...so these aryan(best people)not come from anywhere....first do research on proper grounnd and say........the word indian is not india word.....we called india as bharat on the name of king bharat from past 50000 yrs...

Africa is the motherland of civilisation!!!!!!
Titus Mbuvi | Feb 21st, 2015
This is a very nice post,indeed africa is the cradleland of civilisations and it is in africa where it prospered.It is believed that eurocentric scholars are concealing this naked truth and masking it.Africa as a continent has alot of evidence that show it is in black continent where civilisation thrived before colonising other areas of the world!!!

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