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Revelations from Katrina Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre, United States Nov 2, 2005
Environment   Opinions


Public servants should be well trained, educated and having the Wilsonian mission of improving human condition. This vision for humanity should be proportionately compensated so that public servants are appreciated and envied both for their positions and their jobs and outcomes, and for what they stand for in the society.


What is a just society? A just society is the one whose priority is welfare rather than warfare. A just society or welfare society does not privilege bureaucracy bungle over humanity and fairness. A just society or welfare society looks for a democratic government whose democracy goes beyond electoral exercise and stiff principles. New Orleans was abandoned a long time before the Hurricane. So are American cities like Detroit in Michigan! And since, le malheur ne vient jamais seul, Katrina hits to tell us more about. America's society, a society which does not care about the poor, the orphans and those wretched of earth who happen to be mainly blacks! Is it by accident?

"I know that our planet is fragile, and that natural disasters like the one that recently assailed our American neighbors are a brutal reminder of that fragility. And we have seen so many lose their possessions… and as is universally the case in such circumstances, we have seen emerge entire segments of a population among the most destitute, men and women who had nowhere to go. Dispossessed, with no points of reference, facing sheer devastation, even utter dismay. Such images we have seen before — from Darfur, from Haiti, from Niger. And this time they came from New Orleans, from the margins of an affluent society.” (6)

America's sense of patriotism should really go beyond liberals and republican etiquette. America is most respected for his sense of patriotism beyond colors, states, municipalities, positions, genders... Patriotism calls upon citizens to serve, politically and professionally, the country at a moment of need by good civil service that is equally as compelling for the nation as is the Katrina disaster for New Orleans. Nationwide progressive movement for good governance can really save and bolder American patriotism which will continue to be seen as a model for modern democracies.

This can be possible only if our Institutions are more relevant in our world, ie helping us to go from state of nature to state of right. (7)


Hurricanes in the Atlantic, Typhoons in the west Pacific and Cyclones in the West Indian Ocean, these huge rotating storms will continue to haunt our days and tranquility. Since we are aware of this, we have to find a scientific way to resolve them or to slow their speed. This can be done only if we get a deep and measurable, then predictable understanding of these storms which are causing tragedy among us. We must control them, instead of leaving them destroying us. We have succeeded to make rain fall when scarcely needed, why not to slow hurricanes velocity? We have succeeded to send spacecraft in remote areas of the galaxy. We should succeed to halt the hurricanes. We have a challenge over our heads, over our economies, over our lives, over our cultural understanding of natural disasters, over the traditional power of our intelligence. It belongs to us to show, as DR Martin Luther King Jr. was saying that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy”.

Europe has come out with a global policy including structural measures such as dams, river canalization and diversions, protection dykes, artificial flooding areas, plant and habitat engineering, and also non structural measures such as precautionary building, flood plain zoning, regulation and insurance, forecasting and early warning systems. Katrina calls for solidarity, mutual understanding, humanity and unity to make lives better on our planet. Let us find how!


Ross Hoffman, Controlling Hurricanes in Scientific American, September 2005 www.sciam.com

Mark Fischetti, Drowning New Orleans in Scientific American, October 2001 www.sciam.com

Max Weber, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, part III, chap. 6, pp. 650-78.
Immauel Kant, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals.Pleaide (2000)
European Environment Agency, Report 21 in http://reports.eea.eu.int/Environmental_Issues_No_21/en/tab_content_RLR

John McPhee, The Control of Nature, Strauss & Giroux (2003)

John M. Barry, Rising Tide. The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America. Simon & Schuter (1998).

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Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre

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