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by rex, Nigeria Sep 17, 2002
Education   Opinions


The subject of peace is a very interesting topic of study. Honestly the subject is often not given adequate attention so as to embrace fully its wide reaching meaning. Peace is often given a variety of definitions depending on the application. It can be a common understanding, an agreed way of making things work, or tolerance.

I may want to briefly ask, what does peace mean to you?
Is it a moment of stillness or of meaningful contribution to live issues? Peace in times past were driven by self will by conquering and putting people under one’s authority and subjection.
Kings would say that they are having a peaceful reign when all their territories are free of enemy invasion and occupation.
This is also applicable to us now as every day people are driven by a zealous determination to see that there is peace not only within a particular geographical area but globally. No wonder tags like “Global Peace Action” is almost a house hold name.

My Query is, seeing the essences of peace and the benefits how can we be motivationally driven towards it? How can we put our heads together to make our world violence free or void of any militant enemy of peace? How many young people do we have in the world today? How many young people do we have engaged radically in the disruption of peace? Who suffers the consequences of non-peace more? It is still the young people. Can these same young people do something about this themselves?
Ask me how? By being the agents of peace. That is the only way that the dream of a global peace can be realized to a marginal extent.
I see buildings falling, aircrafts dropping bombs, women crying, children running aimlessly to danger while trying to run away from it. What happened I do not know, but I am sure I don’t want it to happen again.

I do not want to remember too much for I may break down. Tomorrow is 11th sep 2002, how many young people died that date last year? What is happing in the war torn regions of the world? Where are we at now?
Both old and young alike, I do not want to tell you the story that you already know, the world has too much calamities to fight against outside the self imposed ones.

Someone asked
Someone quacked
He wants a hand
Standing on no land
In the deep quivering hollow
The night creeps into shadow
Who can help me?
Tell him to bail me
All smoked up in pain
I want the bath of a rain
That these dirty linens be gone
And I peacefully be done.

Odoemenam Rex Emmanuel



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yes.. i realise i'm a bit late in replying.
vanessa leung | Sep 30th, 2003
It seems unfortunate that usually the yearning for peace comes only after experiencing pain. I can't really say for sure, since i've only had life experience of 17 years. I think peace is probably a sense of security, at its most basic definition. As you have suggested, this security can be achieved in many ways. Even though i think peace in its utopian sense (no conflict.. pain... all things 'bad' gone?) is not achievable, i think getting close to it, or even just bringing people aware to the existence of such a concept is a good start, since so many young people today are used to seeing conflict in the media, in examples such as violence and injustice, or it is a part of their lives, that they don't have the urge to see or create an alternative. I think ultimately, how much young people are willing to engage with the world depends on what their environment tells them. I go to a selective high school in Sydney, and unfortunately, it seems most students are more interested in using their talents to earn big money than to do 'big things'. We are educated of global concerns (relatively), and we do have groups such as Amnesty. But it seems most don't really believe that one person can make a difference, or they feel that such gaps can be filled by others. My point is, it seems everyone is numb and just wants to 'get on with life' without considering lives of others. If only there were new radical ways to involve young ppls! i know there are so many, yet there is this barrier to acually get involved. Maybe what they need is peer pressure =p

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