Published on: Sep 2, 2005
Type: Opinions

The development of the modern technology and human intervention on using natural resources made the world highly vulnerable. This is because excessive use of natural resources without giving proper attention on the environment creates a series of problems to the living beings. In the past, due to smaller populations, the exploitation of the natural resources was smaller and the impact over the environment was also smaller. Presently, excessive development is resulting in serious visible impacts within our world’s eco-system.

At the early stage of modern development the impact over the ecosystem was not significant as the use such resources was minimal. As the development process gained momentum, the impact and amount of negative effect on our ecosystem has escalated. The innovation of modern technology has moreover increased the use of the natural resources to the level of exhaustion. Mankind has never given a second though to the possible negative impacts to the environment. Human’s are very greedy and tend to enjoy the fruitfulness that comes with modern development

The development and innovations have made the earth highly vulnerable. Natural and man made disasters have been creating havoc in the lives of people everyday. Even modern technology and inventions have not been able to conquer nature. The global ecosystem has been disturbed and as a result various problems are rising each day. Climate change and its effects on our daily lives is becoming more and more challenging. A major reason for climate change is the excessive use of natural resources on one hand and due to production of the various harmful gases on the other. The world temperature is increasing each year resulting in the rise of sea level causing threats to many island countries like Maldives. Large areas of beach have already disappeared due to the rise of the sea level.

Similarly, the atmosphere has become full of harmful gases making acid rain common in the many of the developed countries. Large areas of forest have been affected due to acid rain and several lakes have died. The increasing number of conflicts in every corner of the globe has made the situation more difficult for the human beings. Mainly due to the ongoing conflicts and climate change a large number of lives and huge amount of land is being destroyed.

This is not an individual case of a single country in the world but it has actually become a global phenomenon. In order for us to address this grave situation, so as to mitigate adverse affects on the earth, some serious steps need to be taken. In fact a global effort is needed to combat such a huge problem where every individual, collective, local, national or international effort counts.

Many programs have been developed, many individuals, organizations and governments are working towards bettering the current situation. We must be very thankful for the actions that have been taken thus far but we must also recognize that it is not enough. In order for us to protect our earth we have to have a global unification and agreement. We all have to work together

We have been working in the field of environment since 2004 and in this short period we have faced a lot of obstacles. We imagine that others who are also working in the environmental field are facing similar problem. To help others learn from mistakes we have already made we are planning to make a global community where we can contribute what ever we can.

Please do not hesitate to contact me!

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