Interview de Wesley THOSIAC, membre actif de TIG, originaire d'Haiti |
Good morning Wesley; can you tell us more about you?
Hello, I am Jean Wesley THOSIAC 27 years, student finishing my data-processing Sciences program. I am stimulating trainer in two Haitian schools for a French organization called Mosaïque du monde (www.mosaiquedumonde.org), I am a member part of 2 organizations of young people: The CAITI (Centre d'Appui aux initiatives de Technologies de l'Information) and the AJFH (Association des Jeunes Francophones d'Haiti)
How did you first hear about TakingITGlobal and what made you decide to become a member?
Thanks to Mr. Vernous Guyversons, CAITI coordinator, I knew TIG which makes a presentation of this community of young people at the time of our first forum on the Society of Information. What I decided to become a TIG member is the sharing and meeting spirit of divide and meeting, I wanted integrated a dynamic community or I can meet, discuss, exchange with other young people of the world, With TIG I can try out that.
Which TIG sections do you often visit or in which one you mostly take part? Why? Could you tell us more about your TIG contributions ?
The sections I often visited are: The Francophone discussion board and expression section particulary Panorama Online Publication. These two sections enable me to give my opinions on my country Haiti events and situation and to write on problems which concern or affect young people around the world. Through the Francophone Forum especially I have the advantage of discovering the way in which other young people live and solve certain problems.
What's CAITI, its role and its objectives? How is to you the idea have just created this structure?
The Center of Initiatives of Technologies Information Support (CAITI) is a non-profit organization and non-governmental created by Caribbean young people working on the fight for democratization and ICT diffusion in our region. We gathered, since the beginning of the year 2002, several centers of access, the cybercafés, associations, the elementary schools, the universities in the objective to help them with:
• providing a service which strengthen community capacity- building.
• ensuring access service by a training program on basic management sciences.
• supporting technically the realization of access networks (Access Community Centers), of governmental gates Internet and e-governance projects.
Considering which it missed of young associations people working in the field of the TIC in Haiti we thought that it would be interesting s to create this kind of organization.
Considering wthis organization does work for the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) promotion in Haiti how these technologies are perceived in your country?
In Haiti, the ICT are in general way and people perceived like a means to improve "the information access ". But in a particular way a tool which can help the country to leave the pit, that it is economic, social etc. It is a very positive perception, even if one should not deny the reserve of certain sectors which have paralyzed the ICT extension and delayed us a little.
Which is your ICT vision? and which future holds you in your country?
In Haiti is there a policy of vulgarization on a large scale?
My vision is included in this simple sentence: To build a Society where young people empower ICT for a sustainable development. I guess many efforts are done at this time, and the Haitian government starts to involve in ICT development process. Since more than one year we have our own Domaine HT, even if it misses harmonization in the ICT popularization policy on large scale due to political instability but I am sure numbers of young people starts to turn into to ICT a war-horse to reach MDG especially to advance the country.
Since it is TIG’s 5th birthday, and we are celebrating ours and our members’ achievements, we are interested in knowing your opinion. Where would you like to see TakingITGlobal in 5 years?
I would like first of all to thank the initiators, the collaborators, youths all those who contribute in making growing this community, it is formidable work which it makes I strongly encourage you all. My wish is to see in 5 years that TIG have a version of its platform for almost all the country and at least an office for each continent, in order to better cover planet. I finish by wishing success and long life to TIG.
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Formation de la relève, leadership, diversité, média sociaux... sont autant de sujets qui suscitent son intérêt et animent son inspiration....
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