CG: Tell us what you're doing now (in terms of work, school)?
MD: I am majoring in Graphic Design, Studio Art and a minor in Political Science from Concord University in West Virginia, US since 2 years ago. Last summer I continued my work in ICT, volunteering at an orphanage [in India] and teaching the kids to use computers. This was part of one of my social work scholarships I had. So yeah I am kind of active in social work but in a different way. For example, I organized a Tsunami fundraiser in my University and we collected $1500 to help rebuild a school.
CG: Great, so here's a different question altogether. You have posted many updates at TakingITGlobal, and maybe more recently? What is it about the blog format or the TIG community that makes you want to keep writing?
MD: Basically, I feel attached to TIG considering the past history I have with them, so it’s really hard to keep away. I have lots of memories attached and most of my friends who want to know more about what’s going on in my life are all a part of TIG anyway. Besides, it’s really simple to use.
CG: That's true. What do you find you write about most in your blogs?
MD: I try to keep my stories, as interesting and different as possible and very personal something which will either make a reader laugh or think and be amused by what I write. But personally for me it’s like a diary which I hope to read a few years down the line on some of the events that were most memorable in my life. And it’s a good way of bringing new friends on to TIG.
CG: Five years have past, and we hope many more are to come. And so, we are interested in knowing where our members would like to see TakingITGlobal five years from now. What are your thoughts?
MD: Let’s see…I hope to see TIG as one of those interesting cool places young people talk about when I walk down the street, where they say, “Hey you know what? I just made a new friend and guess what he is from this country.” Or where I hear one of my friends saying, “I had a problem and so I went on to TIG and someone from another country helped me with it.”
CG: Do you think you will stay with the TIG community in 5 years or will you move on? There is also a question there, about when it's time to move on from the youth movement.
MD: I hope to stay... well it all depends if you count the age in terms of years or you count the age in terms of "young at heart." On a serious note, I don’t know where life leads one, but I hope to stay as long as I can.
‘Jovem’ de Coração: Uma entrevista com Maitreyi Doshi
Perfil: Maitreyi Doshi
Rank de Atividade: 30o Lugar
Data de Adesão: 24/07/2001
País: Índia
Idade: 22
Você sabia? : Ela tem 94 Posts, 12 inscrições na Galeria Global, e 5 Projetos.
“A TIG tem sido positivamente uma constante fonte de inspiração, motivação e ajudou-me com meus projetos, forneceu um espaço para crescimento e ajudou-me a me expressar melhor. É hora de tomar as coisas pelas mãos ao invés de ficar esperando que alguém faça a diferença – já que isso nunca vai acontecer. Que ver os jovens de áreas conflitantes tentando entender uns aos outros e encontrando soluções para conflitos.”
CG: Você é um membro TIG desde Julho de 2001… quanto tempo! Como você soube sobre CG: e o que fez você decidir-se em ser membro?
MD: Você conhece Nation 1? Ok, longa história, mas para torná-la curta, a Nation 1 foi um destaque na Cúpula Junior de 1998 realizada pelo MIT Media Lab e já haviam vários jovens que queriam fazer da Nation1 uma realidade. A idéia era ligar jovens de todo o mundo sem fronteiras – um idéia única em 1998. Nation1 deveria ser um lugar virtual na net, quando a net era uma fantasia para todos. De qualquer forma nós trabalhamos nela de diferentes partes do mundo por 3 anos. Nós tínhamos entre 16 e 19 anos e estávamos descobrindo nossas vidas enquanto trabalhávamos na N1. Foi quando a Jen e o Mike entraram em contato através de Nick Moraitis, a GYAN foi apresentada a nós e muitos de nós estávamos indo para a faculdade e não podíamos mais trabalhar na N1. Decidimos junta-la com a TIG já que percebemos que tínhamos as mesmas visões e seríamos mais capazes de trabalhar nas coisas do que pela N1.
CG: Quantos membros da N1 agora são membros da TIG?
MD: Não sei quantos são os membros ativos, mas sei que todos os membros da N1 automaticamente tornaram-se membros da TIG.
CG: Para que você usava mais a TIG em 2001, quando aderiu?
MD: Bem eu era mais ativa naquele tempo. A TIG estava planejando ter os representantes de países e eu era uma para a Índia. Mas aos poucos eu perdi contato com o que estava acontecendo porque a TIG começou a crescer, o que não é mal.
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C. Gudz
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Barbara Nambuya | Aug 18th, 2005
I have been inspired as a youth and this i promise, is gonna be the beginning of my frequent writing.
Barbara Nambuya
friend mohsinmcsa | Sep 6th, 2005
aidez nous a trouver des bailleur de fond Mama COULIBALY | Sep 8th, 2005
We N.G.O – C.A.D.I.B.A will be grateful for measures you would like to take in order to accord us a Decentralised Cooperation.
Having regard to our objective, please let us introduce you our N.G.O.
Officialy registered on January 27th 1999 A.S.P.E.D (Association for the Safegard and the Promotion of Enployment for Graduates) was an association aiming at developing active solidarity, initiative taking and creativity in order to improve people’s living conditions two years later, on wanting to become a Non Government Organisation, A.S.P.E.D was changed into CADIBA (Convergeance of Support to Basic Integrated Development).
On March 16th , 2001 CADIBA signed the agreement act N°1354 to become N.G.O.
CADIBA’s target areas stretch all over Malian territor.
Its national seat is in Markala, 282 miles away from Bamako (the capital city of Mali). It is easy to get there because the road is covered with tar. Markala is a city of work men with a multitude of historic and cultural aspects.There is a 800m long bridge - dam on the River Niger here. It is one of the most beautiful constructions of colonial time. Every year, we also organise here one of the most important artistic and cultural activities of Africa: Festival of Masks and Marionnettes (FES MA MAS), an event to which all the continents take part.
Moreover, Markala is a beautiful Island related to the rest of the country by two bridges.
Program Protection of the Mother and child (to improve living, health and working conditions, Schooling, fighting against IST / HIV / AIDS, Female Genitals Mutilations / Excision).
Environmental Program (Promotion of biodiversity sanitation actions, planting trees and fighting against plastic, solid and liquid wastes).
Pragram of goodleadership / good citizenship and local development (people’s participation to leadership and decision takings support to activities improving income, to initiatives at the local level: Integrated Program and Project).
Prgram Formation of Elected people and association groups within the community.
Creation of an Informatic Training Center (in partnership with “CAKTUS” and “Info.Libre” which are both associations in France).
Sensibilisation to schooling and formation (Fund generated by the Informatic Training Center).
Activism, pleadind and lobbying related to environmental problems (insertion of planting 100 000 trees up and down the bridge dam of Markala to the Five year Program of Economical Social and Cultiral Development of the Rural District of Markala. The species protected by Malian Government are Villelaria Paradoxa, Parkia Biglobosa, Acacia Albida and soon...).
Compaign of information, education and communication about IST/IHV/AIDS in the Rural District of Sibila (Fund generated by the Informatic Training Center).
Compaign of sensibilisation about the reduction of mother and child’s mortality in Thien Bamana and Thien Markala (Fund generated by the Informatic Training Center).
Compaign of sensibilisation about the drawbacks of Female Genital Mutilations / Excision ; reinforcing the capacity of some elected people in the Rural Districts of Markala, Boussin, Togou, Dougabougou, Sansanding, Sibila, Kareri and Diafarabé (Fund generated by the Informatic Training Center).
Sensibilisation good leadership good citizenship (in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Markala).
Formation of state services and socio – professionnel groups in computer science (with the partnership of Kilabo/Mali and Carrefour Canadien International).
Genre and Development support and financial research. SOS Girl – Mothers Markala (in patnership with the Social Development Fund / France Ambassy).
National Seat PoBox 8 Markala – Region of Ségou (Mali)
Tel: (00223) 234 25 18 – 234 25 40
Fax:(00223) 234 20 94
Email: ongcadibamarkala@yahoo.fr
Web site http://cadiba.free.fr (we inform that the site is being rebuilt)
The office of Cooperation PoBox: E 3795 Bamako / Mali
Tel: (00223) 696 76 91 / 612 77 72
Fax(00223) 223 70 80
It is located in Bamako so that it be near the government and the diplomatic services.
Don’t mind asking questions when necesary.
We are booking forewards to your partnership.
With our kinds regards!
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