by simeon ifarinde
Published on: Jun 29, 2005
Type: Opinions

The earth was spun out of violence; the big bang theory and the most subtle aspect all religions account of creation lies in the spoken word. It clearly tolls the line of violence creating the universe, acting on the forces of distraction/separation, each force gathering speed toward the centre of its attraction - the sun ruling by day and the moon by night. Man by nature is violent, in order to have inner peace there must be reconciliation between the mind, heart and soul. But there are situations where the violent man is exposed, routed by an event or emotion, this is where feeling is involved.

Society has graduated from the nuclear to the extended community base relationship and way of life, to a degenerated sadistic, sedentary way of life; the extreme cases are the recluse. The language of the marginalised and oppressed is violence, long gone are the days when dialogue solves problems. The African society has over the years been embroiled in conflict born out of policies of “victimization, marginalisation and oppression;” the whole world turned a blind eye to their problems.

Violence is often the end result as a proactive measure on the government’s part, as it is the case in Sudan, Iraq and Zimbabwe; and reactive on the part of the citizens, as it is the case in the Niger Delta (youth restiveness) and police killing; Nigeria, the Al Qaeda (the insurgents) in Iraq. The brewing crisis in Zimbabwe is just waiting to happen. The power of words is enormous: words can create, mar or destroy; but in an ever changing world of rich nation's subsidies, the third world countries are bearing the brunt in terms of unemployment and poverty. They can only speak out with violence, crime, terrorism and other social vices as a retaliatory measure against the mighty and powerful. This is situation is not restrictive to nations mentioned here but global in nature. Every one is vulnerable.

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