by Jacques Gimeno
Published on: Jun 15, 2005
Type: Poetry

The restless wind has passed too quickly
touching my face but only briefly
and I have felt the silent cries of sorrow,

It seems --
I can hardly feel the warmth and comfort
my tears are icy and I feel cold,

Perhaps --
it's because the earth's too empty now
for man has become too bold,

And maybe --
the blanket of thick, dark fog has covered us
so heavy it chokes the life out of every being.

I see --
the restlessness of life
the wanting of something more and more,

And I feel --
it seems we can never survive this world
and perhaps time won't give us more.

For we have hurt our only haven,
the mother that once cradled our every fear
is crying out loud but we just don't hear.

We have lashed at her being
and beaten her with carelessness,
when she cries we can't feel the hurt.

Forgive me,
I am a mere spectator,
at a distance I stand as still as Mother Earth.

From a far off place
I witness you
killing more and more what could I do?

And all I feel is hurt and sadness
might never find a certain calmness
I want to heal but help me see.

I want to give so much for you
but my hands can't reach too far,
help me, I really want to be.

Stand still and feel the passing breeze
don't move for it might miss your touch
I'm sorry it could be your last.

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