by aliya rawji
Published on: Jun 3, 2005
Type: Short Stories

Hi! My name is Milyausha and I’m from Russia. I live in a small town called Zelenodolsk. I am in the 8th grade of secondary school and I am a member of our school’s sport club. We organize different sport competitions and championships but it’s not an easy task, because there is no stadium in our district. Our school’s sports ground is very small and the gymnasium is good only for the pupils of primary school. Speaking about the health of the youth of our district, we came to know that more than 80% of them had problems.

That’s why the members of our club decided to change the situation. We created the PR-project called “We need a stadium!” The aim of the project is to introduce the town administration to these problems, try to change public relations and to get permission for the building of a stadium in our district.

At first, we found out 3 aims:
  1. To make a plan.

  2. To organize activities.

  3. To come up with a solution.

To realize them we wrote letters to all newspapers, the TV, the Head of our town, the committee of sport and youth, factories and different organizations of the district and we asked them to help us. They agreed to help and some of them even promised to be our sponsors.

Then we organized a charity fair to collect money. We used this money to buy gifts for the winners of our contests, such as the contest to create posters about all kind of sports and the musical competition we held about the necessity of a stadium for youth. More than 100 pupils took part in these contests and their works were so interesting and original that we organized an exhibition of the best posters at school!

The next step was a town conference, called “We can do more together!” We told all pupils of the town about the project. The participants found it very useful and they were on our side. During all this time the newspaper correspondents published articles about the project. We also took part in the worldwide “Week of Kindness” and we organized charity concerts in the House of Veterans and in kindergartens of the district.

And now we want to organize a festival for the new stadium, its name and anthem. I am sure that the festival will be productive; many citizens will take part in it. The best ones will win and we hope that their winning entries will be realized. The stadium will help to solve the problems that arise when people have too much free time and it will improve their health. There will be a big skating-rink, a football field, a track for racing, tennis courts... Also, all kind of championships will be held in the stadium. Among the country and world champions there will be the pupils of our school.

I would like to say that every person must do his best to realize their goals especially if they are useful for other people!

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