by adedayo osadipe
Published on: May 31, 2005
Type: Poetry

It is a bright day from the horizon
Mind was thinking of life, food, water and shelter.
Too many thoughts in the mind of one.
Fears of the unseen fear of even the known.
But man will survive against all odds.

Slowly, a stranger started moving towards the mind,
It looks pretty and charming, waving hand to all that look.
Parading all she has… “everything”
The mind was very strong, saying not this time, when the
Issues of life…Food, Water and Shelter, are insufficient,
It is not yet time for me to play… All these first.

In a distance was a caution sign, saying “ first things first”
This was pleasing to the mind, oh! My strength is back,
When I saw you caution sign…
In the evening, after little food, water and finding a place to rest,
The mind, was partially happy…
Half of “first things first” is better than none!
Good night.

Rain! Rain!! Rain!!!
Was the music of other mouth, early in the morning,
Causing delay in the strategy for food and water finding.
But, rainwater is available.
Pollution from the environment is another worry for the mind;
Oh! For how long will I live in this situation?
Mind is speaking…
Mother earth saves us!

Rain reduces to droplets; time to think of food,
Every mind was occupied with thoughts of survival,
Anyhow, food will come…but source is not sure.

Suddenly, all minds focus on a figure.
Coming, but the closer, she was all said
We saw her yesterday… but what is she looking for around here and us.
Questions need answers, but no one will provide.
When “first thing first” is not first, other discussions are baseless.

But mind… all minds fell sick at different time… source of illness,
Was traced to the stranger.
Oh! Who understand the situation?
Unprotected sex between the stranger and the minds.
Can we say that mind turned “sex to a means of survival”.
HIV/AIDS is the result of the agreement, but even with this, love should not
Even, when a patient says goodbye, let the love, still goes on to another…
Living with the virus.
This is the network of the new survival strategy…living with the virus,
People around you showing and living the love.

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