by giullz
Published on: May 30, 2005
Type: Opinions

Combating all the problems humanity has and achieving all those goals by 2015 looks rather difficult, not to say 'impossible'. The fact is that only by giving our best we will be on our way to success - and I believe that if the people living on this planet stick together, we might have a chance to reduce all those problems to such an extent, that they will not be so often the cause of our unhappiness.

"What could a simple human do?" one could think. One person can't do much, but in a world where everyone is holding hands one person would make a big difference. As the elderly don't quite see this, the youth play a vital role in this matter. We have to open everybody else's eyes - including the eyes of our peers!

First of all, the majority of these problems stem from the lack of money. Money doesn't make us happy, but we all need it to survive. Poverty, hunger, lack of education, child mortality, and lethal diseases - all these can happen because of the need of money. Maybe a good idea would be making a 1% donation from one's taxes compulsory - or
government could put aside 1% from the budget just for helping the poor.

Another way of making hunger disappear would be the finance of more public canteens. Students could take not very well paid part-time jobs in these canteens, so that a little money from the state budget would go a long way.

I was thinking that an important step the youths should take would be making all kinds of campaigns to inform and show others what the problems of our world are and what we could do to reduce them and prevent them from expanding. Unfortunately, this would not be enough.

So I was then thinking what it would be like if we could introduce a new subject at school -maybe an hour or two per week- in which the students would do what is known as "volunteer work". Of course, it couldn't be called 'volunteer work' after this, but it might be a way of making ignorant youth face today's problems. This subject could be held by the counselor of the school and the students would be able to choose in what domain they want to work, teaching children by socializing with them and with the elderly, keeping the environment clean by planting trees and so on.

An effective manner of combating AIDS/HIV would be a visit an AIDS/HIV hospital. I'm inclined to believe that a talk with a person that has already been infected with such a disease would be far more convincing than a poster or a brochure. Maybe the youths would finally take into consideration and even understand the words "constant vigilance".

As for child mortality, families that can't financially handle the upbringing of a child shouldn't give birth to one in the first place. A way of avoiding this would be for the government to make family planning free. Youth and the young people could really help by making campaigns that ask for something to be done about this.

There are hundreds of ways of helping and getting involved. We just have to look for them. The easiest would be joining a volunteer foundation, of which there are plenty. I know, I found many waiting for our help. So help!, let's make the world a better place!

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