by v.rajagopal
Published on: May 26, 2005
Type: Opinions

There are many ways to make India a rich country. One of the important pathways to be followed is given below:
  1. The investments of the jobholders and farmers are to be encouraged.

  2. Establishment of large number of industries (with water source and without water source).

  3. Avoiding unemployment.

  4. a) From childhood stage: Children should be made to learn good habits.
    b) Every child should be made to learn education.
  5. The employee and trading society that causes damage to the industry must go

  6. c) The people who are lazy and corrupted must be removed from their jobs.
  7. There must be two political parties in a country (opposition and ruling).
    a) Recall of political parties when they fail to fulfill their election commitment.

1. The investments of the jobholders and farmers are to be encouraged:
First, increase the financial status of the government.
Example: A person earning Rs. 15,000 per month. He should give his two months salary for the investment in commercial industry and for this person income tax should be excluded.
In an agriculture family: Only one person should have 5 acres of land which can give yield and no person in that family should have another 5 acres; and if there are 5 acres for every person (family) and the strict rules to be followed to put their profit in commercial industry or otherwise the money should be given at 2-3% of interest.

2. Establishment of large number of industries:
With the investment of employees and farmers a greater number of commercial industries can be established. There are two types:
a) Water dependent commercial industry. Example: Textiles, pharmacetical and iron industries etc. Maximum utilisation of water for agriculture; waste water of a place should be brought to a needy place.
b) Industries without water. Example: Call center, medical transcriptors and software companies.

3. Avoiding unemployment:
By establishing different industries the unemployment problem can be eradicated. To do this the investments of farmers and employees should be encouraged to make them to shareholders: giving jobs to their children. So that they work with dedication and the incomes of the companies are increased.

Those people who have less income than the middle class, their children should be given jobs based on their eligibility. And this leads to the eradication of unemployment.

"For every problem there should be a permanent solution; but not a temporary solution."

Due to over-population, we may feel that we can’t eradicate unemployment.
Example: I heard that since 40 years, there is a unemployment problem and it is still continuing. We thought at that time the unemployment that was there was thousands; but now it is lakhs. We are seeing only one side of the rupee, but the other side is that multinational companies are looking for eligible and skilled persons. But they are disappointed because there are no eligible candidates. 40 years ago it was the same situation.

During these days, jobs were given to persons without considering their eligibility, but nowadays jobs are given in “call centers and medical transcriptions”, and some field executive jobs are given to people with minimum qualifications because there are no eligible candidates. By establishing different commercial industries the unemployment problem can be solved directly and indirectly.

However, where there is education there is change with growth in all aspects. At the minimum there should be 20% of the population with postgraduate degrees and above. But we are only 0.9% who have this. How it is possible to increase this number?

a) Children should be made to learn good habits:
Education and doing fundamental work with good efforts from child hood stage. First the parents should be metamorphised. The people above poverty level show love and show affection for their children and create an environment for their education, telling them what is good what is bad for them - How to behave in the society and how to develop a good personality.

The percentage of people below poverty level within the country’s population is 60%. This should be changed and the first thing to do this is by having them do some or the other work. By doing this, the chances of them going into a bad direction is less because they won’t have the time for it and the society will be safe and peaceful. Whenever the society is peaceful and safe, the people in that region will be developed in all the ways. They not only fulfill their basic requirements. They increase their facilities and there is no end to their growth.

The children should grow up following some principles, and people should show interest in them and simultaneously they should be given some gifts.

b) Every child should be made to learn education:
The pathways to be followed are as following:

i) Educating.
ii) Sincerity and honesty.
iii) Discipline.
iv) Basic work (Fundamental work).
v) Development of skills.

4. People and trade unions
The people and trade unions causing damage to commercial industries must be punished: Generally employees in industries go on doing their work. When officers fail in following and doing their responsibilities the people below their level take it as a chance and for their selfishness. They may blackmail their officer; to oppose them, they arrange meetings and become union leaders. The main reason for this is the officers loosing their responsibilities and in such situations they should be removed from their job and strict punishment should be given. An environment should be created for them to get interested in their job/duty.

5. Political Parties
There should be two political parties in the country. One is the ruling party and the other party should see whether the ruling party is going in the right direction or not (when they fail to fulfill their election commitment; the ruling party should be recalled). The census should be declared every year through the media. Afterwards the survey should be done giving importance to people’s opinion. The lessons should be like stories in text books, there should be a change in the education system. Writing and reading is not the only the way; there should also be vocational training.

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