by Enyinna Onwusonye
Published on: Apr 25, 2005
Type: Opinions

Love your neighbor… {As you love yourself}

The above has been my favourite quote since I started knowing about occurrences around the world. It is a commandment from God, through Jesus Christ.

I can state every place in the Bible where love is mentioned: it is obviously a word that occurs in so many places in the bible; more than other words like faith, hope and the rest. I think this goes to show the importance of the word…LOVE! But the place where I think we all should be concentrating on is in the book of Matthew, chapter 22 from verse 34 to 40. I won’t start going into details, but I just want you all to check it out.
I also believe that no other religion preaches hatred. I want to believe that all true religions base their preaching on love.

This commandment, if followed, can put an end to all man-made negativities on earth. Just take a minute and reminisce on a world with love… a world where love flows abundantly. A world without hate; a world without fear; a world where nobody harms his neighbour because he just cant bring himself to;…a world where love controls things. There will be no more war, no fear, no fighting… the world God wants us to live in! I am talking about a world of peace; a world of opportunities; a world filled with joy, a world where you can walk anywhere, anyhow and at anytime; a world where you’ll never get hurt; a world where no human violence occurs;… a world like paradise.

Maybe I’m painting a picture that you think can never become reality…until Christ returns, maybe I’m just fantasizing. But believe me, we can make it possible, if every single one of us just follows that law, we can make it! If every one of us shows love to our neighbour, we can make it!

Just as that old saying, 'charity begins at home' goes, so love should start from your home. I mean from your self. You don’t expect villages loving their neighbouring villages; you don’t expect tribes loving other tribes; you don’t expect love to suddenly be between states; neither do you expect countries to start loving other countries. You don’t expect love to suddenly be in the world!

It has to start from you! If you love yourself, then you love someone just the way you love yourself, the world will be filled with love. See, love yourself, show love to your spouse, and show love to your immediate family- teach them how to love! Your children will automatically get used to it and will show love wherever they find themselves. They will show love just the way their parents taught them to, and love others the way they love themselves. If every parent does this, and every child learns this; then believe it that the world, in the next generation, will be a world of love! A world filled with love. We just have to be positive here, IT IS POSSIBLE!

Try showing love today and as long as you live, you will not only help the world, you will help both your spiritual self and your physical self. And if God sees the zeal; the seriousness of getting love into this world, don’t you think he/she will do something?

Afterall, God is Love and Love is God!

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