by oriane
Published on: Apr 18, 2005
Type: Opinions

At the gate of the third millennium, more than one billion people still live in poverty. Hundreds of thousands die of famine, poor health and exposure. While in some countries, governments are incapable of altering the status of the poor due to large debts and administrative mismanagement, in others, governments are simply corrupt. They often monopolize the entire economy leaving their citizens poor and hungry. Relying solely on governments in the fight against poverty has proven insufficient or even vain. Another force is, thus, needed. Today, responsibility towards the destitute of the world concerns every one in society, particularly youth. If mobilized, they can bring change and improve the status of millions of deprived. Hence, through united labor, the Millennium Development Goals will materialize and the world will eventually be a better place to live in.

Youth campaigns are powerful tools in the labor against poverty and the struggle for the realization of all Millennium Development Goals. Campaigns must primarily target rich nations who, in my opinion, have the responsibility to donate to poorer ones and who must mobilize their governments and organizations to adopt the cause of world hunger and poverty. These campaigns should start in the rich countries themselves and should be able to generate food, clothing, and even medical care for the poor. However, campaigns must not be limited to charity. They should also emphasize reform. They should be designed to convey awareness about governmental corruption. This awareness should be made global so that no government would confiscate what belongs to citizens and helps them prosper. With governments and non-profit organizations led by youth working together, extreme poverty and hunger should be completely eradicated by 2015.

Education is another bulwark in the face of poverty. Even though many underdeveloped countries may find it hard to invest in education, some outside help would definitely trigger the move. Richer countries who believe in global democracy value the idea of educating poorer nations. They, along with affluent men and women in both developed and underdeveloped countries, should adopt this human cause by building academic centers and institutions which provide free education. However, it is up to youth to remind them of this responsibility through campaigns, TV programs, and demonstrations. Educated people have a greater chance of succeeding in life and earning higher salaries. Education is, therefore, a guarantor against extreme poverty.

Last but not least, the youth of the world should come together as one family to halt destitution and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Each person should persuade another to take action. Students should make special clubs at school or university to donate food, clothes, or engage in any other activity that would promote the MDGs and use them to inspire future generations. Young men and women are the future of humanity. They are the agents of change. The world won’t be a better place to live in if youth aren’t inspired and motivated to make a difference.

Awareness should be spread throughout humanity. The fact that people in the 21st century are still dying of hunger is a fact that no human being should ignore. The community of nations, with youth as active participants, must unite to eliminate death caused by hunger. To take part in such an endeavor is truly a noble and heroic act. And it is only when a human being helps another human being does he know the true meaning of happiness and fulfillment.

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