Published on: Mar 23, 2005
Type: Opinions

Women all over the world have been oppressed and suppressed for centuries by the discriminatory practices meted on them by men and the laws made by men. These discriminations are built into myths, folklore, cultures, traditions and the ways of life of many communities. Women have been treated as sexual beings, not as human beings. There are many laws in which women have neither voice nor representation--laws that depersonalize women by regarding them as chattels. They are objects of rights rather than subjects of rights. It is also disheartening that it is the women who enforce these restrictions and ensure that their fellow women accept their inferior status. Some women have also imposed, on their fellow women, laws that are meant to depersonalize and dehumanize them.

Therefore, one of the desires of women is to break loose from these shackles of subjugation. Education can be a source of female assertion, for them to break loose the shackles of subjugation. Education can be simply defined as the acquisition of knowledge. This may not necessarily be restricted to a formal form of training. Education is the light that brings women from the realm of ignorance into the realm of knowledge.

Education is also the key to freedom. Some women have begun to quest for their emancipation from the discriminatory and obnoxious laws made by men. Furthermore, education is the key to economic independence. Some women have risen from humble beginnings to become educated and successful individuals. Thereby the education of women must be encouraged in our societies. This enables them to know their rights and roles at home and in the nation-building--for when we educate a man, we educate an individual, but when we educate a woman, we educate a nation.

Women and men are created for specific purposes. They are meant to complement one another, not compete. We need to remove from our minds the idea that the world is a man’s world. The world belongs to us all, irrespective of our gender differences.

Furthermore, we have seen many women who have performed outstandingly in our societies. They have exhibited greatness in different places, races and continents. Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), who ruled England for 45 years, was a good example. Under Elizabeth I, order was not only restored to the land but England also entered her most glorious age. She was only twenty-five when she ascended the throne, but she ruled wisely and well. During her reign, England gained supremacy on the seas and became a world power. Her words during the war between England and Spain of 1588 are noteworthy: “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king--and the king of England too, and think foul scorn that…Spain or any prince of Europe should dare invade the borders of my realm.” England won that war.

In Africa, Queen Amina of Zaria (Kaduna, Nigeria.) led and conquered many battles, making a landmark in the history of Nigeria. And the Bible recorded that the Prophetess Deborah led the Israelites against the enemies.

Women are talented with great potential. Like Queen Elizabeth I, they may have weak and feeble bodies, but they have the hearts and stomachs of kings. They only need to be encouraged and given opportunities.

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