by Demosthenes
Published on: Mar 9, 2005
Type: Opinions

One would think that the unavoidable destruction of the world, due to war, would be humanity's main cause for concern. To some people this may come as a complete surprise and yet to others they will simply disregard what I have to stay. Humanity's “real” problem is humanity itself; we simply seem to neglect those in need. We turn a blind eye to these people in the hopes that they will just go away, yet this is not the solution to this problem. We have an obligation as human beings to help out our fellow man, not turn him away. The only way for mankind to ever achieve true greatness, is by working together, helping each other move up in life.

Unfortunately, most of the world seems to be in an old American concept of Social Darwinism. This, in plain English, is survival of the fittest, yet this is not an idea that should be adopted by people. This “theory” may work in the animal kingdom, yet it is not fit to even enter the minds of mankind as a way to treat one another. This is exactly what certain individuals use to remain in power: you're weak so you do not belong on this earth, wasting space. Yet we are not “animals”. We should not be turning our backs on the old and sick--this is just not practical. We can only advance as a species if we truly embrace one another. The common attitude that I am better than you because I have more money is unacceptable and most be stopped! Yet this continues to occur and remains the only barrier that is keeping mankind from being great (this does not include current situations with the government).

The best place to start would be the homeless, a growing concern. Most of these people who find themselves homeless have just had a taste of rotten luck, yet we the people (because we think we are far superior to them) turn our noses to them. Since they have become homeless they are now nothing but scum underneath humanity's boot. Why are these people not looked at, as those that require our love and attention? The homeless are like our children. We as parents have neglected our beloved children, we leave them to fend for themselves in a world that is all too eager to devour them. Why do we desert them? Are we ashamed, are they beneath us?

I do not have the answer to these questions. I am trying to be the loving parent that these “kids” deserve, yet the world is not quite ready to step up to this responsibility. So it is the mission of myself and other “parents” to help teach others how to love their children. Once the rest of the world realizes that our “kids” deserve our love and support we can start the long road of moving up as a species.

Mankind has such infinite potential, and yet it is wasted on unrealistic ideals that do not apply to the human race. Not to mention the fact that we still remain the only species that kill each another. We are unable to see past minor differences that should be irrelevant such as creed and religion.

Yet there is a greater crime committed each day by nearly all the people of our world: we are a wasteful species. We discard food while others go hungry. One that does not care about the scraps we throw away. Hell who cares, it's garbage, right? Wrong! These “scraps” could be used to feed someone less fortunate. But you throw it away and it rots while another starves.

Our governments around the world also neglect hunger. In the US alone there are 36 million people starving each day and almost six million children who die each year. Yet you continue to take to much food and throw away the leftovers. These children who have not had a chance to live--you murder them. Now you are truly neglecting your children; how will you respond?

The people who commit this murder, they would say that the government can only save so many. I have never have seen such a pathetic attempt to solve a growing problem. How many potential Einsteins dies each year, how many potential world leaders die from starvation? We must help uplift our fallen “children” who are less fortunate than us, if we are ever to become a great species. We can only achieve true peace, if we accept that fact that we are one race, and we must help each other to become great and unite our worlds. Whether it be under a hegemon or another political figure, this is the only way our race can stop war and become peaceful.

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