by Dulal Biswas
Published on: Jan 22, 2005
Type: Opinions

1. Create awareness through motivation among the masses so that they can have access to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support.

2. Motivate people to ensure free movement of those living with HIV/AIDS and access to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support.

3. Ensure that HIV/AIDS is mainstreamed in the dialogue and decision-making of political, economic, social and cultural issues.

4. Initiate intensive dialogue on HIV/AIDS in the context of national integration among civil society to ensure that the voices of NGOs, CSOs and individuals are reflected.

5. Strengthen existing regional and sub-regional initiatives on HIV/AIDS with respect to migrant populations; strengthen their access to prevention, care and support, and facilitate collaboration between them.

6. Encourage and facilitate the research, development, production, delivery and use of HIV/AIDS drugs, vaccines and microbicides on a regional basis.

7. Improve research capacity at the national and regional levels for traditional medicines in the context of HIV/AIDS.

8. Support the use of appropriate ICTs, including the internet and electronic networking at all levels for co-ordination and co-operation around HIV/AIDS in the ASEAN countries.

9. The UN system and donors should strengthen and support regional networks of youth, women and People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

10. Encourage regional institutions to promote peace and stability to prevent conflicts and, as needed, ensure that HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support services are accessible to peacekeeping forces.

11. Capacity at the national level should be enhanced to ensure the submission of quality proposals to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. In the context of the Global Fund, adequate timeframes must be given for countries to assure a participatory process that includes civil society and all key stakeholders in an open and transparent manner.

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