by (Serah Katusia)Tussi
Published on: Jan 11, 2005
Type: Opinions

Isn’t it amazing that Somali and Sudan have both singed peace pacts? Its wonderful news to the citizens of both countries, some who have never set their feet to their countries. It has been more that 2 decades for both countries, 2 decades of pain, suffering, loss and above all a feeling of no belonging. Ever wondered what it feels like to have no home country? To have nowhere to call a home, all you can refer to yourself as is a refugee? Have you ever stopped and thought about life in a refugee camp? Food is hard to come by, as is education and you are prone to attacks by enemies. Many young Sudanese and Somalis have lived in refugee camps, exposed to AIDS and HIV, prone to sexual abuse, and living on the edge of poverty. It really is a painful and hard life for them.
But this is no more, the peace deal signed in Kenya by the SPLA and the government in Khartoum gives a new dawn to Sudanese citizens. As their leaders promised to give peace to them, lets all pray and hope it will be so and that in due time they all shall enjoy the luxury and comfort of one’s home country. However, the Darfur crisis continues to threaten humanity, without a thorough reconciliation process the Darfur crisis will remain a black spot for many Sudanese and a haunting memory for the Khartoum government. The crisis was pronounced the worst from The Rwanda Genocide.
The Somali people are also on the journey to their homeland, the recently elected president is determined to give his people a home. With a newly appointed cabinet that is a representative of all the Somali clans, it is a new dawn.

With the help of IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development), the Kenyan Government, which has done a lot to broker the peace talks, and the international community peace shall be found.

This turn of events has however proved that Africa can help put peace in Africa, bravo Africa! Bravo Kenya! Bravo IGAD! Bravo Somali! Bravo Sudan! You have done Africa proud.

Lets all pray for a peaceful beginning for those countries and for peace to be achieved in all parts of Africa.

God Bless Africa!

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