by iyamu.A.O sariemen
Published on: Dec 29, 2004
Type: Poetry

What kind of world is this? What is life all about? Why are some born
Blind, deaf, cripple and others having natural disabilities? Is it their
Fault that made them so or they are paying for the atrocities committed
By some other individuals? But why must one pay for what he never
Bargained for? And why must one fall a victim of what one is ignorant of? Is
That what fate is all about?
Why do people die daily and babies born daily? Take a trip to the
Hospital, the maternity section, it will not sound ridiculous to see a man
Carrying a food flask in a basket jubilating that his wife has delivered
Safely and successfully.
But take a trip to the other side of the hospital, the mortuary, what
Do you find? There you will see sorrow, grief, and agony. There you
Meet people mourning that there brother, sister, uncle or aunty has given
Up. Then sit down and balance the two situations to some, the world is
A beautiful place, quite pleasant.
This is their heaven. On the other hand, quite a number of people see
The world as a horrible place, the hell they see and hear about.
Whatever the case may be, life goes on, struggles continue. Tell me the
Person that has been able to please the world and I will tell you the
Greatest liar of his age. After all how identical are the identical
Twins that one is Peter and the other Paul. It sound funny to hear one
Saying he trusts another person when he himself has done allots of things he
Has vowed never to do.

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