by Jose Menacho Galiano
Published on: Dec 27, 2004
Type: Opinions

"Love," like energy, is one of the main talents people have. All we need is to use it appropriately, and in any occasion we think that it will be valuable to transmit to others.

If you aren't sure what the real meaning of "Love" is... What you need is to learn the suitable expression of this powerful talent.

"Love" is more than a simple emotion, that carries tears or hearth beats. "Love," in my personal opinion, is something that exists in ourselves for sharing best wishes to somebody, for supporting anybody that needs a voice or advice, for transmitting a positive word or thought, for inspiring someone, for sending our best desires to a world that wants to be fed by ourselves, because all of us in conjunction form the big soul of our "Planet Earth."

If this unique and enormous soul has been enhanced in "Love" by us, things could be changed dramatically in our environment, in our personal benefit and to our worldwide society system too.

Everybody needs "love" in a big or little amount... also "Planet Earth" needs the "Love" of us like a big wave, that could cover the entire world with a great aura of positivism and cooperation between all cultures and races.

"Love" is the seventh wave that we really need... We are hungry for "Love"... We are such sons of God that in our daily life searches to find the appropriate and best path for living better... and this is "Love"- "The Home of Love"... Something so simple that lives in ourselves, that only need to use it adequately by us for changing our destiny of war and death.

Let me tell you a story which happened to me, two days after this article was originally written:

On the 30th of December 2004, my lovely Grandma passed to the arms of Jesus. I feel pain, but at the same time a big and powerful peace in myself.

My grandma took care of me when I was a 6 month old baby, while my mother, father and older sister flew to Holland to spend one year outside Lima - Peru. When my parents returned from Europe I didn't want to be in the arms of my mother, because I thought she was a strange girl... So months passed by, until I accepted that girl as my real mother... That's why I consider my grandma as my mother till today.

In 2001, my grandma suffered a coma crisis. In a selfish attitude, I got mad at her and God for not spending more time with me. Time passed since those days, and I recognized that the call of Jesus is something special that everybody passed in their lives and into death too.

Besides, the last few years she had more difficulties to survive... Happily she died in peacefulness. I remember clearly my grandma's face with calm and peaceful signals, when the ambulance transported her from home to the hospital.

Some years ago my grandma told me that she doesn't want to see me cry, when she leaves this world. It was hard, but I just accomplished it with a calm and powerful peace in love, that I think my grandma gave me in those sad moments. So in a way, I am happy too for knowing she is with her husband and Jesus.

During her burial, on December 31st 2004, I read some passages of an old little book about "Jesus and his Sacred Hearth", that my Grandma usually reads and saved like a treasure... It was printed in Paris in 1892 and was a gift from her father-in-law.

The passages were discovered by my mom, seconds before we knew my grandma was dead, my mom begged God for giving her some words to reveal the best way for my grandma.

The passages are pretty nice, they say that accepting the call of Jesus and death is a wonderful lovely way to live close to God and in a better new world.

That confirmed my family that my grandma will live happily from today to eternity.

It was a coincidence that some days before her death I wrote something about "Love?" Everything in our live isn't a coincidence, if we are guided by the "Love" of God and our own "Love" everything that happens can be good for us.

Now when I hear about someone’s death, I don’t feel totally bad, because it is the call of "Love" that God sends us.

Send your "Love" to the future... Because "One World" is enough for all of us...

We need to care for it, living in spirit with God!

With "Sacred Love" to all of you,

Jose Menacho Galiano

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