by Carol
Published on: Dec 1, 2004
Type: Poetry

The dishonesty of one person causes an enormous emptiness in my heart.
That one person who I considered to be truthful and faithful to me has failed me. Why?
Once again I find myself in a dark deep hole that is so difficult to escape from. And I ask myself what the hell?

Damn! Am I so stupid for believing in that person?
People are constantly lying I don’t understand;
Why do people tend to wear masks and hide behind them?

People don’t reveal their true selves. The one person who I imagined to be real was so phony, so untruthful and deceiving. That caught me by surprise. I didn’t even think he would be capable of hurting me in the way that he was. What have I done to deserve this?

I feel right this moment like everything is pointless!
As we lived together, the sweet moments of loving and tenderness are meaningless stupid moments that made me feel that I was somewhat falling deeply in love.
But it was just a dream that turned into a nightmare. In my dreams I’m happy and what I’m feeling today is just betrayal by him and others around us.

I trust no one but myself. I have so many questions but no clue how to answer them.
Should I agree with the fact that men are dogs because it is in their nature? Is that really nonsense?

Should I give up on love?

Mostly I keep on believing that the one person made for me is out there somewhere waiting for me to find him.

Why lie about your self? Why not say what you feel?
Why not have the capabilities to see when a love is real?
Why feel like my tears and sorrows are way too much to handle?
Why do I wish everything would go away when I blow out my candles?
I need answers, I need guidance and I need to know why.

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