Its mention of increasing support for N.G.Os and community tree planting programmes is very important. This is because in Kenya for example, the involvement of Nobel Prize Winner and Environmental Activist Wangari Maathai whose Green Belt movement planted over 30 million trees in Kenya represented a concrete and impressive move to protect the country’s dwindling forests.
It is suggested that tighter controls on fuel wood extraction from reserve are established.
D. GULLY EROSION: specific mention of a strategy for combating gully erosion is not mentioned. Nonetheless, strategies are littered around the policy e.g. ‘encouraging soil conservation principles in highway and other construction activities’.
E. BIODIVERSITY LOSS: Article 2 of the Biodiversity Convention of the United Nations Conference on Environment states that Biodiversity is:
The variability among living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia , terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within the species, between species and of ecosystems.
Though not specifically treated, the policy enunciates a strategy as regards to biodiversity. However not much mention is made as to the mode of enforcement. Aside from state efforts to conserve biodiversity, public awareness & participation should be increased. In addition, a committee/group should be set up to oversee biodiversity matters.
F. COASTAL EROSION: - Not much mention is made in the policy about this problem neither are strategies enumerated.
G. AIR POLLUTION: - Air is said to be polluted when, due to the emission of dangerous substances beyond acceptable limits into the atmosphere, the quality of air falls below an acceptable level which is considered desirable and safe for the health and welfare of humans and other living organisms. The strategies enunciated in the National policy sound good but cannot be described as affectively implemented.
Mention is not made of the need to cut green house gases. Also, the influence of chemical and bacteriological weapons as possible air pollutants is not treated.
H. WATER HYACINTHS: - No specific provisions abound in the national policy for curbing them.
I. WILD LIFE AND FISHERIES LOSS: - Not much specific mention is made of this. However, they are lumped under forestry, wild life and protected areas. These have been discussed above.
The question however is “how committed is the Nigerian government to the Natural policy on the environment? Is there true commitment or paper commitment? Has the commitment, if any translated into visible changes in our environment and well being?
In the words of former president General Ibrahim Babangida, the National policy represents
“The consummation of our desire not only to protect our environment as a clean and healthy place for all of us to live in, but more importantly, to preserve it as a worthy legacy to bequeath to our unborn generations.”
However, a desire alone that is not backed with adequate implementation is not sufficient. Policies on development should translate into the improvement of human life.
The UNDP, Human Development Report, 1990, in reiterating this point said:
“We are discovering the essential truth that the people must be at the centre of all development. The central message of this human development report is that while growth in national production (GDP) is absolutely necessary to meet all essential human objectives, what is important is to study how this growth translates -or fails to translate into human development in various societies”.
This means that whatever plans are made should be translated into better life and well being for the people. The contrary would be described as ineffective.
The policy needs to be revisited. Also, corresponding justifiable rights should be included in the constitution. Legislation in Nigeria should be management oriented rather than rule oriented.
Also, Nigeria should continuously seek ways and means of developing bilateral and multilateral co-operation with other nations with a view to updating its implementation strategies for the use of the law facilitating sustainable development in environmental policies.
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Writer Profile
akinbo a. a. cornerstone
A prolific Nigerian writer with a gift for words. Wrote under the pen name of Fad and Quad during the Military Era. Currently uses the "pscornerstone" signature.
An activist with religious inclination and respect for cultural heritage, he grew up streetwise and with great love for his country, Nigeria.
He believes that he who holds the word holds the world.
Sustainability...Can I help Eleanor James | Dec 1st, 2004
Please contact me and let me know what I can do to help in your organization. Thankyou for your time and your cause. Eleanor James
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