by Sandra Musonda
Published on: Sep 1, 2004
Type: Poetry

There may be things you lack
But take time to consider…

If you have at least 3 meals a day
If you live under a secure house and have your own room perhaps
If you have clothes and shoes to change everyday
If you wake up each morning in good health
If you’ve never been hospitalized
If you are not on constant medication
If you can read and write
If you can walk, talk freely
If you’ve traveled outside your house, city, country
If you can afford to buy little things
If you can sleep on a bed with blankets
If you can see and hear
If you are not a refugee

Just know you are blessed
In more ways than the person...

Who scratches in bins for his food
Who sleeps on the streets
Who has one pair of clothes and shoes day in and out
Who wakes up in a hospital bed till death
Who takes medication to survive
Who cannot read or write
Who cannot walk, talk freely
Who relies on your loose change
Who knows no freedom of space or movement
Who doesn’t know what little things are
Who knows no comfort of blankets
Who cannot see or hear
Who is a refugee

Never take what you have for granted
Change starts with your attitude
You can’t save the world
But you can start with yourself
Thank God always

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