by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
Published on: Aug 27, 2004
Type: Poetry

To me -
Poverty is not the lack of money
It is
Turning the tap and not having water
Having to fetch water from a long distance
Switching on power only to be greeted by thick darkness
Being rendered useless at work because of lack of electricity to power machines
Living in houses that may collapse at any moment, putting one’s life at risk
Father, Mother and six children living in one single room sharing one toilet and bathroom with fifty other tenants
Not enjoying good and motorable roads
Working so hard and getting so little
So little, one cannot adequately cater for one’s family
Walking to school without shoes
Learning in classrooms that can pass for pig pens
Commuting in buses that should have been off the road – an item most ideal for a dumping ground
Not having a ‘voice’ when you need one
Poverty to me is…
Suffering in the midst of plenty

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