by Laureene Reeves Ndagire
Published on: Aug 21, 2004
Type: Poetry

let me tell you a story of a lonely child
the child inside me that is lost and craves love and a family
a child who is still walking on that journey to self discovery
on a journey that it hopes will lead to happiness and love
and when the going gets tough and the journey is not ending, this child waits and hopes and prays that maybe tomorrow, things will get better and this will only have been a dream or is the story of that child
When i wake in the moring
i know here is another day of suffering
another day of uncertainty, hunger, pain, suffering and crying
i go through the same dialogues with God like the ones i had the day before and the night before
the same ones i had a fortnite ago with him
will this ever end, will this come to an end
why do i have to be subjected to images of happy families and smiling children
constantly floating past me, not before my eyes but in my mind
each new day...i question why it is i that have to go through the pain and the tears
i ache day in day out, not from going without food, but from going without love, a cuddle, a smile to share, a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on, sleeping on a cold and hard floor.
i promise not to commit the dreadful sin of suicide even on days when the going gets tough and i know i may never see tommorrow
am almost taking my life, when at the back of my mind...i know that maybe tommorrow, things will get better
that tomorrow i will have a better dialogue with God in which he will promise to send out someone for me
that maybe tommorrow, i will try my desperate 'please adopt me' face and that actually a family or a child going past me will tug on her mummy's hand or daddy's and beg them to adopt and take me home with them
that sounds desperate, i know i sound like a lone dog that thinks it will hang its tongue out and a cute boy will go past and demand that its parent adopt it
maybe today i will be that lone dog and tommorrow i will be living in a nice home with lovely parents and sisters
will the day ever come when i shall be able to call someone daddy or mummy, or sister, probably brother too
it may sound all yesterday, but when the food is gone and i have none left, it's on the maybes that i feed on
maybe tommorrow keeps me alive and awake and energetic
hoping and praying that someone is going to come to my rescue
and maybe tommorrow, i will find my way home

laureen reeves

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