by fawole ezekiel ayowole
Published on: Jul 28, 2004
Type: Poetry

He who is made by God
He that cannot be seen
He that is bound to live with every Man
He that comes like the breeze of the seas
He comes without knocking
He comes without respect
He comes without telling you
He mails you not nor does he call you
He knows no one
He knows not the young
He knows not the old
He takes his Prey whenever he wants
He takes them so easily
He takes them without strength
He takes them not in days
He takes them not in weeks
He takes them not in years
But he takes them once
He takes them in less than a second
He takes not the flesh
He takes not the bone
He takes not the heart
He takes not the blood
He takes not all this
But only one thing does he take
He takes the soul
He takes it so far
So far from this world of ours
So far to a world Men had always immerging
He so has no respect that he takes not the old alone but also the young
He so has no respect that he takes not those you hate, but also those you love so much
He comes without stress
He has no respect

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