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God Bless America Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Joel Solow, United States Jun 4, 2002
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


I admit that I too was filled with a little sympathy for Bush after the attacks, but I came around, and got back into my suspicious badass mode. But it appears that with such an opportunity for military praise, many of us have reverted back to the "following like sheep" mode.
I know we can't let our guard down. The founding fathers we so adore would be ashamed of us, if we were so trusting of our government as the Tories were of the British tax collectors. And it is looking as though we are falling into that trap. It's a seductive trap. This is because our society makes it absurdly easier to be a conformer than a dissenter. Our society, and probably doubly so since September, has been geared towards patriotism, and following our leaders, without question. I have been told numberless times that since I have the ability to voice my unconventional views, I should not do so, and should stop "whining when I have everything so good. Who cares about people elsewhere?" Compassion has been rendered obsolete, evidenced by the lack of care about the repulsive figures of Afghan civilians killed unintentionally, simply caught in the crossfire. So much for peacekeeping.
Patriotism, and faith in those who would lead us, is becoming the downfall of independent thought. We take for granted those privileges that we hold, and do not utilize them, for whatever reason. It's necessary that we get out of this September 11th stump, and really begin monitoring the movements of the government critically again.

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Joel Solow

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Do not blame the Marines
TW | Dec 3rd, 2003
You keep usiing the term Marines as if it is a derogatory thing. Marines follow orders. The military is controlled by civilians who are elected. If they were doing as you say it was most likely at the behest ofthose very same civilians. Also consider that the marines you questioned did not make the decision to be there. For those who are "caught in the crossfire" there is a genuine feeling of remorse among those servicepeople involved. At the same time if one puts it into historical perspective. Fewer people have been casualities of the crossfire you refer to than in any other confilcts in history. As I Marine even though I trained for combat and would have gone if ordered to do so, I did not relish the thought. It is not in my purvue to not. I signed a contract and in doing so I was honor bound to hold up my end. Marines do not relish war. They train so that most enemies will understand the results of a possible conflict with them. In training so much and working so hard I am sure the cheers are welcomed. After all everyone wants to do their job well and be recognized. I appreciate your opinion but, please do not discount the dedication, honor and emotion with which those Marines live every day. Semper Fidelis... Always Faithful. Sgt. Wagner USMC 1991-1998

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