by Jeremy
Published on: Jun 3, 2002
Type: Opinions

The presence of Mexican day-laborers in this country has resulted in the formation of groups such as the Sachem Quality of Life Organization and the American Patrol. These groups feel that there should be no illegal immigrants in this country, and that all laws must be enforced. However, there is another side to the argument. Illegal immigrants came to this country for a better life than what they could find in their home country. Rather than being deported, these people should be made legal. Allowing Mexican day-laborers to stay in this country legally will result in better working conditions and pay, better treatment from the community, and a larger number of available jobs.

Employers of Mexican day-laborers do not currently need to grant decent working conditions and pay to illegal immigrants. This is because illegal immigrants cannot complain to authorities for fear that the Immigration and Naturalization Service will discover the immigrant’s illegal status.

The legalization of currently illegal immigrants will also result in better treatment from the community. The main argument of groups such as the Sachem Quality of Life Organization and the American Patrol is that laws should be enforced. Should currently illegal immigrants become legal residents, this argument would no longer be valid.

If immigrants who are currently in the United States illegally become legal residents, this will also result in a larger number of available jobs for them. Many employers will not hire illegal immigrants for fear of fines. This would no longer be a problem.

Should these immigrants become legal residents, they will no longer be taking away jobs from already-legal residents. Once they are earning decent wages, they will be purchasing more goods and services, resulting in more job openings.

Immigrants do not ruin our quality of life. Rather, they enhance our quality of life. Immigrants are people just as are those who were born in America. Though considered illegal by the laws of this country, these people have much to contribute to society.

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