12. CUPP is not only working in Parliament, it is also getting acquainted with Canadian culture, the duties and obligations as Ambassadors of Ukrainian students in Canada. What makes it easier to adapt to the new surroundings of working in Canada?
It is helpful that each applicant for CUPP read the Intern's Guide and what to expect in Canada posted on the internet together with the application at www.katedra.org. Secondly, an applicant should visit the internet site of the Government of Canada to get an overview of the operation of the Canadian Parliament, the names of ministries and departments and agencies. As well, an applicant should become familiar with the political makeup of the Canadian Parliament and read any reports about legislation currently moving through the Canadian Parliament. Another helpful site is www.infoukes.com to learn about the Ukrainian Diaspora and its activities and organizations in Canada and in North America. There is as well, an internet service out of Toronto and Washington through E-poshta and Art Ukraine.
But when you finally arrive in Canada, please remember that the Ukrainian Diaspora of North America has fought to maintain its Ukrainian identity, its language and culture for over 100 years. Until recently, we were like a branch which had been cut off from its root, with no contacts with the homeland. This branch through assimilation was growing weaker and weaker. And yet, the Diaspora maintained its traditions, culture and language. Since the renewal of independence, the influence of a Free Ukraine has had both positive and negative influences. Too often, too many representatives of Ukraine appear on European North American television speaking to us in Russian. Too often those personalities actually identify themselves as being Russian even if they were born in Kyiv or Odessa. So when you come to Canada, speak to us in Ukrainian and not only to the Director and the CUPP administration team. Be as proud of your country as Canadians are of Canada or Georgians are of Georgia, Ukraine's future lies not with some confusing multi-vectored, or multi-coloured, half-baked, servile status with Russia. Ukraine's future lies as an independent, prosperous European state, tolerant of its minorities and their languages, with respect for the official language and with a clear European perspective, built on centuries old history and culture. There is a popular commercial developed by one of the large brewing companies in Canada which is titled, "I Am Canadian". The commercial focuses on the proud differences between us and our neighbours to the south. What comes through in the commercial is a sincere patriotism and dedication to the Canadian homeland. It would be fascinating to see on Ukrainian television a similar commercial titled, "I Am Ukrainian".
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Ukrainian student, journalist and a planetary citizen. I invite you to take a look at Central's Europe largest state- Ukraine through Olexi-tinted spectacles. Somewhat approaching unbiased subjectivity :)
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