by Vito | |
Published on: Nov 24, 2012 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Opinions | | | |
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that addresses the root causes of illness, and promotes health and healing. Naturopathic doctors (NDs) support and stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself using a variety of natural therapies. The primary goal of naturopathic treatment is to address the cause of illnesses, rather than simply treating or suppressing symptoms. NDs work in partnership with other regulated health care providers to ensure that patients receive the most comprehensive and effective care possible. The therapies used in naturopathic practice include: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, botanical medicine, physical medicine (massage, hydrotherapy,naturopathic spinal/soft tissue manipulation ), clinical nutrition,homeopathic medicine, and lifestyle counselling. Some conditions that can be treated include Acupuncture to treat infertility or migraines,nutritional therapy for high cholesterol or irritable bowel syndrome, herbal and lifestyle therapies for allergies and asthma. Fatigue, anaemia, IBS, sinus pain, bloating after meals, muscular pains, fibronyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis and much more can be treated and prevented. Naturopathic Doctors are the only regulated health professionals in the natural medicine field in Ontario, and are fully licensed and regulated by the government as primary healthcare physicians. NDs provide primary health care services under the Ontario Drugless Practitioners Act but are preparing to transition to regulation under the Regulated Health Professions Act, joining all other regulated health professions. Naturopathic doctors have extensive medical training that closely parallels medical doctors, including three years of undergraduate pre-medical sciences, and a four-year full-time programme focused on preparing clinicians for the challenges of primary care practice. NDs must pass all regulatory board exams, which includes passing NPLEX; a North American standard exam, Ontario board exams, and maintain their competency by meeting continuing education requirements. This form of medicine is truly empowering because it gives the patient more time during visits to tell the doctor what is wrong, and can work as a collaborative team with the doctor to find ways to treat the patient. There is information given to the patient regarding his or her treatment options and the patient always gives their informed consent. Information is power in this type of medicine! It is inspirational to see the patient taking empowered steps towards his or her health; whether it be a paediatric patient under the guidance of guardians, or the geriatric patient whom seeks this form of medicine for chronic disease that has not been properly addressed allopathically. Youth can be inspired and empowered through this medicine because it can help on the physical, emotional and spiritual level. The freedom to use medicine that works with your body's own potential for healing is astounding! Using naturopathic therapies at at a younger age can also help prevent chronic disease from taking hold in the future. « return. |