As TIG’s Multilingual Platform develops, it will continue to demonstrate the value in making investments in language and, true to the vision of TakingITGlobal, it will inspire youth to inform (and be informed), inspired (and be inspired) and to involve (and be involved) in global and local processes and actions using languages, tools and a currency that they are most comfortable with and that they understand in a deeper way. That, to me, is empowerment!
As we continue to ponder, debate and discuss language and their role within the TakingITGlobal Community and in our world, I hope that we all develop a passion to learn new languages, to learn about them and the people that speak them and to use languages as a vehicle and tool for exploring other realities in our world. Languages present us a unique opportunity to continue to learn about ourselves and create opportunities to redefine our world by through understanding it from different perspectives. My hope is that this article has helped to expand our understanding of how precious and valuable languages are; that they are absolutely worth protecting, preserving and developing.
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I write because I believe in the power of ideas! Thoughts are what have changed the world... Every revolution, every legislation, every act started off as a thought. All thoughts are inspired by other thoughts expressed in song, essays, research, poetry, spoken word, action...
I write because I love. I hope that my writing inspires and informs you as much as the writings of others has done to me in my life.
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