by Amma
Published on: May 26, 2004
Type: Poetry

I live amongst the fools of this degrading nation
Who without remorse or consequence murder my generation
I live amongst those who abhor the differences of others
Who in vengeance and aggression destroy the darker brothers.

I see the opposition who trick us to believe
That we are weak and stupid - that we cannot achieve
I see them as they tell stories made up of horrid lies
Whose voices in one accord demand the black's demise.

I hear the weak, forgotten souls crying out in pain
And then the wicked mock them - as though they have nothing left to gain
I hear the humble voices that strain to reach the stars
Whose journey is cut short - blocked by evil bars.

I taste the bitter fruit turned sour by affliction
For the sweet tree of liberty has been destroyed by the political condition
I taste the spoiled dinners of the homeless and the poor
And yet their food is still rotting - this consequence of war.

I smell the bloody battle fields of stupidity and wrong
Fields of the dying and the dead - who were once brave and strong
I smell the sweat, the blood, and the tears of the human race
But, I cannot bear to watch as each other they erase.

And so
I touch my heart and close my eyes and dream of a glorious day
When the entire world shall know and believe that PEACE is the only way.

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