by Eric A Ahuruonye
Published on: May 20, 2004
Type: Poetry

Some things are independent
Some things are sovereign
So respect for sovereignty
Should be given
Loyalty to oneself should be recognized
Let us not wheel within wheels
Let us not paddle on ones boat
Let us not go beyond our pale
It’s not right, it's unjustified
Decisions are meant to be taken
Only by those who are affected
Foreigner can only help by
Bringing suggestions
Foreigners are not to dictate
The tunes of music
When they are guest
Humans have universal right
And their personal policies
Are determined by them alone
Whether it favours them or not
Aliens stand no ground to changes it
We could only tell them its rough side
Let us not make decisions
We aren’t justified to take
We are only justified to give suggestion.

Let us respect humanity, let us respect sovereignty.

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