by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Published on: May 17, 2004
Type: Poetry

Love! Love!! Love!!!
The easiest word to say
But many people find it hard to practise

Love that has no leg or wing
But it can walk and fly high
From Tokyo to Lagos
From London to New York
There is no place beyond love reach

Love that has no mouth
But it speaks gently
And even sings melodious song
Easily danceable even more than hip-hop

Love! Love!! Love!!!
Love that has no arm
But it cuddles you
Caress and emotionally stimulates your soul
And brings about inner happiness of both lovers

You re very good when things go right
But awfully bad when things go wrong
Love is our heart and our soul
It's never in our body

Love is what has been lost
That makes our world unsafe
I loved love
Love loved me
Can you give some love?
And make our world a nice place to live.

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