by Kathryn Sabo
Published on: May 4, 2012
Type: Opinions

Global warming is an environmental phenomenon that touches everyone on the planet. But, homosapiens are not the only species affected by global warming. In the animal kingdom, animals native to tropical regions are affected significantly more than their Arctic counterparts.

While cold weather species, like the ones that reside in the Arctic and Tundra regions, can adapt to relatively large temperature changes, Tropical species cannot. Animal and insect species that live in the Tropics have an optimum thermal temperature range. According to a team led by University of Washington scientists, Tropical species have a greater risk of extinction with an increase in temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. Once the temperature exceeds a species thermal optimum, their fitness level (reproductive success of an organism) will most likely decline. Resulting in the extinction of certain species.

Animals are innocent victims of global warming. We must not only be mindful of our survival, but their survival as well. All species are connected in the “circle of life”, meaning that we are linked and the extinction of one species will affect all other species. Global warming is one of the biggest issues faced by our planet today and our planet’s destiny is dependent on what actions we take to reduce global warming.

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