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The Personal Background of Bhakti Bhandari Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Anonymous, Apr 29, 2002
Human Rights   Opinions


I was elected as the President of the Democratic Youth of Bhutan in May 1997.

A petition was submitted to the Nepalese Prime Minister Lokendra Bahadur Chand and diplomatic circles in Katmandu on the refugee issue. A rally was organised in Damak demanding the release of Teknath Rizal, Col. Tandin Dorji and Rongthong Kuenley Dorji. I participated in the BCDM planning and programming activities.

Applied for Membership to the World Federation of Democratic Youths for DYB. Participated in the Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting of the World Federation of Democratic Youths in Katmandu.

I expressed protest in writing to the Bhutanese Refugee Advocacy Group for supporting only a single organisation.

I initiated a Group of Eight. A series of meetings was conducted the Group of Eight to initiate a process of solidarity among youths and students. I drew up and finalised the program proposal for the Group of Eight. Group of Eight decided to draw up a Memorandum of Understanding among the members to protect the common interest.

I participated in the 11th National Convention of the All India Youth Federation in Calcutta, supported the National Movement inside Bhutan under the United Forum for Democracy umbrella.

The Youth Co-ordination Council was formed. I worked on the MOU for the youth solidarity, but I could not sign the MOU due to distrust among them.

I attended a leadership workshop organised by the Jesuit Refugee Service. I also worked on the review and planning for the future, and participated in the activities of Bhutanese Refugees Representative Repatriation Committee. I also attended a four-day seminar organised by Calcutta University on cross border terrorism, drug abuse, human rights, cross border girl trafficking, and ethnic intolerance.
I reviewed the organisational performance and drew up a plan for the future. A proposal was put to the party for reactivating the DYB along with a proposal prepared by the Group of Eight.

I attended the Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting organised by the WFDY in Katmandu, and I visited Calcutta to revive the organisation relation with youth and student organisations. I met the leaders of the political parties. I participated in one-day conference organised by the Indo-Bhutan Friendship Society. I led a three-member delegation to the International Youth Conference held in Chitwan Nepal, organised by the International Youth Co-ordination Council, Nepal.

I established the Amnesty International Bhutan Chapter with a membership of 25 persons.

July 1997- April 2000: taught Distribution Management (a Marketing Houours Paper for a third year Bachelor of Business Studies course) at Damak Multiple Campus.

January 1997-present: teaching Business Management, Marketing, and Accounting at Damak Model Higher Secondary School and Global Higher Secondary School.

1. I have written a book (not yet published) titled Bhutan: Human Rights and Inhuman Wrongs.
2. I published an article in Himal Magazine, "A Hostage in Thimphu" in the March-April 1994 issue.

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Youth in Bhutan
Ariel Wyckoff | Oct 21st, 2003
Mr. Bhandari, My name's Ariel Wyckoff and I am with a non-profit group called Innovations in Civic Participation (ICP). You clearly have done alot for the youth of Bhutan, and engaged international support through building partnertships with youth groups in Nepal and India. I find it amazing! My question to you is this: ICP -- the NGO I'm with, in the USA -- focuses on youth service and volunteering. We support regional capacity-building by holding workshops, providing expertise and information, as well as small grants for various programs. Would you like to have some information about current youth projects or events taking place in Bhutan, published in our monthly on-line newsletter? It's called "Service News Worldwide". You can see the first edition at www.icicp.org. Please let me know if you're interested. Ariel Wyckoff e-mail: wyckoff@icicp.org 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW suite 201 Washington, DC 20036 USA

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