by Mike Blanchard
Published on: Apr 25, 2002
Type: Opinions

[B]That Daunting First Expereince[B]

It didnt take me long to find that I was out of my league after signing up for TakingITGlobal.

It took me maybe 2 or 3 days to realise that by just submitting myself to act as a discussion board moderator I was really getting involved in something a little bigger than anything I had previously contemplated being a part of.

That was in August of Last year.

TIG had 907 members.

When I wrote this, TIG had 4161.

Regardless, the 21% growth rate TIG has achieved doesnt have anything to do with how I still feel daunted, I still feel the same as I did when I first joined.

The cause behind the feeling is hard to express, but I think i can sum it up by explaining just why TIG is such a haven for young people who all have links to some sort of activism, community involvement, and human networking.

[B]Why it seems so big[/B]

When I first realised that everyone in this digital community knows someone who does something somewhere, for someone else - I knew it was something special.

Thats what I believe volunteering is about. Doing something for someone else, somehow.

But when an online community gathers all these people, young people - who by nature are enthusiastic and aimed towards making a difference, and accepting recognition second to ensuring positive change (in contrast to many of our more 'matured' community leaders) - something trully fantastic happens.

Some call it networking. others call it meeting online buddies. I dont know what I call it, but i know it exists, and I know its special, and I know something else too - its to be valued as much as any fundamental idea of society is accepted.

Young people have an enthusiasm that doesnt subside the more people they meet, but they do have a mind that tires with information overload. Something ive become accustomed to drowning out with coffee and aggravated arguing on the discussion boards I chill-out in.

Like I said, at first everything was daunting. Perhaps it was because there was something before i discovered my true enthusiasm for what I do here with TIG.

To contrast myself with what I have now, and what I had before TIG - one would barely recognise me.

[B]Before. After. [/B]

Before August last year I hang around discussion boards much like I do with the forum here at TIG. But that was the highlight of what my life was.

School was nothing special, neither was my life.

Then came a link from someone (don't remember who) directing me to TIG. I joined. I posted.

Before I knew it, it seemed like i was consumed. I probably was/am now that I look at it - but its the type of consumation that I dont mind being labelled with.

I get to make a difference in my community by being the co-ordinator of a fantastic (but stressed on time) TakingITGlobal team; one that I'd give any part of me to save from us getting old and moving on.

Thats maybe what makes TIG so special, its full of people who'd give anything for the world to be a better place. I dont want to say I would die for what I believe in (which is a lot besides TIG) but i would never say the thought wouldnt cross my mind.

Thats maybe why im here. Maybe.

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