by Ssendagire Paul
Published on: Sep 28, 2011
Type: Short Stories

As I rest from a colorful butterfly, my mind starts to shout messages relating to education. A serial big thinker like yours truly faithfully records the mental discussion. Henceforth, I regard education as a formal or informal process of acquiring useful skills and values. As a mature rat with a hole in the developing world, I find that education like humans has 2 faces. One is that of a saint and the one of a sinner as elaborated below;

During my elementary school years, a cane was a major ingredient within the school setting. We were regularly beaten like wild cows-just to make sure that we learn a foreign language. The commonly used saying during those days is “the African man’s ears are on the buttocks”. Such an education system with such criminal devices is indeed intolerable as it led to many flee from school at an early stage yet many who had a dose of it have patterns on their bodies like those of zebras, among other complications.

However, despite the fact that I am not perfect in the English language, many thanks to formal education which exposed me to the same thus enabling me to communicate with a diverse range of people from different back grounds.

Apart from making me learn some English, formal education exposed me to lots of junk information from which no nutritious juice can be squeezed and attempts to do so are as futile as milking a bull.Therefore, our education system should stop meandering with “rusty set pieces” and uphold research and innovativeness.

Yet anybody can easily lay on the table the fact that it is through formal education that I became a professional printmaker/Artist. Thus, I can comfortably state that I have read heaps but only one book has shaped my destiny.

But one can be so many things in this world though our formal education system restricts us to particular areas of specialization. Venturing outside the areas set may be as challenging as eating the forbidden fruit. In this case, therefore, our education system is some kind of guantanamo bay.

More so, a person may be wildly interested in a particular area of specialization but his/her hopes in that area may stand remote through the wrong picture drawn by assessments in the same. The ‘all knowing’ instructor, through the various written exercises subjected to participants vis-à-vis their peformance , may make fallacious judgments related to one’s ability to specialize in a particular field.For example, getting 10% in physics theory does not imply that one can hardly perform in physics practical hence wrong conclusions.

Apart from the above stated, formal education consumes many of our years. Indeed we spend so many years at school and by the time we complete ,we are half worn out. Therefore, the system should get more precise-just to help us find ourselves at an earlier age.

In conclusion, formal and informal Education is so beneficial because it brings together the different societal people.
Indeed, Cooperation, love for one another,the Art of sharing among other virtues like good time management I have developed through education- though, most of my educated brothers and sisters consistently fail to manage time.

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