by David Kapp
Published on: Jul 29, 2011
Type: Poetry

1GOAL: Education for All

72 million children
around the world
do not go to school

Can you imagine that

774 million adults
are not able
to read and write

Can you imagine that

These children and adults
are denied their right
to an education

Can you imagine that

1GOAL: Education for All
now can you imagine that
in this world we live in
this planet of ours that
we do not yet own

1GOAL: Education for All
a quality public education
is our constitutional right
and is not a commodity
only for the well-heeled

1GOAL: Education for All
Educated people are often healthier people
Education beats hunger
Education saves lives
Education gives you more choices in life
Education helps end poverty

Can you imagine that

Penned sometime between 12-13 April 2010 – as a concerned and supposedly literate citizen – in support of the “1GOAL: Education for All” campaign that ‘looks to use the power of football to make sure that everyone is able to get a quality education’. I copied, quite unashamedly, from the Public Participation in Education Network’s ‘1GOAL: Lesson for ALL’ document circulating in the ether of the Internet.

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