by Enyinna Onwusonye
Published on: Mar 30, 2004
Type: Poetry

I wonder why a moment of darkness exists in human life.
A moment of desperation and confusion,
A moment of frustration and when you feel like you weren’t born,
A moment when everything seems bleak and difficult,
A moment that breeds anguish and is full of regrets,
A moment you sit and think seriously about your life,
A moment when even friends leave you and the feeling of loneliness is all you’ve got,
A moment this world seems like a place not fit for you…

Being courageous, strong, daring, and with the belief that JESUS CHRIST is in control keeps you going when moments like these surface!

When and how these moments will end is unknown but be sure it will end someday, because just as every product has an expiry date; every runner a finishing line, so also every problem has an end!

Just believe in your God and things will come to pass.

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