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Global Embrace Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by fatma, Egypt Apr 10, 2010
Culture , Globalization , Technology   Poetry


Global Embrace On a globe reduced to a golf ball in size
Where people are countries and continents apart
Words ,gestures and smiles are now digitized
And my whole life and yours can be put on a file

Where boundaries of color , religion and race
Seem to melt in the fusion of wires and chips in a case
Where ideas come to be and are given a face
And the one human soul, once divided by space
Has been given a chance
To voice out its thoughts and to join in the game
And to many a surprise ,that its needs are the same
A unanimous humanity that just different in place

Once living in Egypt's golden deserts and Nile,
Little I know about the melting of ice
On a pole far away and a climate of change

Nor a friend I recently made in the Bronx
Knew of how hunger was taking its toll on a race

Or a boy in Mumbai's slums
Clothes tattered and old
Feeding on crumbs and shivering in cold
Would fathom he can be given a hand
By other youth like him who do understand

Of my heritage and culture ,I'm awful proud
I have so much to share and let people know
And even in this info Tsunami of an age
It gets not diluted,
but grows just a bit richer
With every new person I meet and place that I go

In a small sense I can't help but feeling that I belong
To small city here by the sea(Alexandria)
Whose sand and air
Feel just a little softer and smell a tad bit sweeter to me
But in a larger sense
I know I belong in every time and place
Where I touch peoples' lives
When others reach me
In a perpetual global embrace

I speak with a voice but no syllable expressed
For words pale in comparison to what we can do
From saving species and trees
To changing ideas and harnessing energy from seas
Is only the beginning of dreams
That with joint effort and time
Can be made to come true

The scope of my impact has no limit or range
I can borrow, lend, learn and exchange
I can make things happen with my will and my faith
For at the tips of my fingers
lies the power to change.



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