by chelsea
Published on: Apr 2, 2010
Type: Poetry

War can do nothing but bring problems and issues.
It can deprive us of our goals and peace, and it can take away everything in an instance.

What is the point of war?
To some it's being able to carry a gun and blow things up,
but it goes farther than that, farther than people realize.

I actually pray that God blesses both sides,
because both sides have the courage to stand up for what they believe in
even if we feel it's wrong,
they still feel strongly about it and don't give up.

Both sides hold a common goal,
to stand up for what they believe in and not let anything get in the way.
Can't that be a start in settling peace?
That there's at least something we can share?

We have to be able to come together and say enough is enough!
So what if your beliefs are different than mine or you religion is different,
I can't change the differences and I don't want to.
That's what brings us together and what is unique about us.

Accept it people!
There will always be differences,
we agree and understand that between ourselves,
why not between others?

War is pointless and useless...
But I do feel that there is something we all have in common,
whether it's music, theatre, or entertainment.
I feel that every country does have something in common,
and that is they all want the best for their country
and they all are willing to fight for what they believe in,

Forget about whether or not we believe in it,
or they don't believe in what we believe...
You have to give everyone more credit than that;
the point is that they still are willing to fight and not back down.
Is there not even the slightest respect for that?

Please put differences aside and let's all just "Imagine" a better world
and "Come Together" and "Give Peace a Chance" (;) A little Beatles reference for you).
I could go on with little song references, but I won't go there.
I don't really know what else to say,
I think I pretty much said a good deal, at least for now.
Now let's all go out and find peace!
We can't do it alone and we definitely can't do it by only wishing it and doing nothing about it.
So let's go!

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." John Lennon

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