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The Secret That Will Change Your Life! Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by AJ Yager, United States Apr 3, 2002
Education   Opinions


By A.J. Yager 20, Success Coach -March 12th 1999

The Secret That Will Change Your Life!

Here's something to think about. One year ago I ran across a statistic stating that the average person has more than 50,000 thoughts a day. Does this concept surprise you? For most of us, in a 16-hour day between work, friends, family, workout, meetings, etc., this is about one thought each second. Day-in, day-out, our minds are constantly churning with impulses, notions and urges of one sort or another in that reasoning process called thinking!

Of these 50,000 thoughts each day, I questioned how many are actually new thoughts and how many are repetitive thoughts. Needless to say, the worst situation that I could come up with is a scenario where a person is having the same thought 50,000 times a day! But the key to creativity and living life to the fullest is our ability to generate as many new thoughts as possible.

Most of us find ourselves thinking today along the same lines as yesterday and the day before. We continue turning over and over the same old ideas, beliefs, fears, worries, experiences and regrets. This is definitely what we want to avoid. This hinders us in our daily life because having the same thoughts over and over again limits our capacity for new creative thinking.

The objective of this article is to convince you to leave behind old, worn-out thoughts and open your mind to new ideas, new opportunities and new dreams.

So the question is... how do you change your life?

Well, simply put, the starting point to changing your life is
changing your thoughts!

I'm not just talking about the substance or content of your thoughts, but the way you think about yourself and the world you live in. Does it sound too good to be true? Too simple? Well, that is literally all you need to do in order to completely revolutionize your life. Change the way you think.

Now for the secret: With the understanding of this secret you will win (succeed) in living the life you desire - without it you will not.

The secret that will change your life is summarized in five simple words:

Your Thoughts Control Your Life!

Your Thoughts Control Your Life! What does that mean to you? It means that the thoughts you choose to have in your conscious mind will control what you become. Your thoughts are the most powerful forces in your life. You are the person you are today, and you are where you are because of all the thoughts you have had since you were born.

There are two other important secrets that come after thought-they are "word" and "action", but for right now we are going to focus on "thought."

I love this secret and I have lived by it for years. Your future is now, your destiny is being created right this moment. When I share this secret with people, some say, "Yeah right. I wish it was that easy." But so many people disregard and ignore the built in power of thought. They let the most powerful creative secret fall through their fingers like flowing sand, to be forgotten like it was nothing. Everyone has the secret inside...

So Use it!

Many people say that they already KNOW that their thoughts control their life, but they don't truly understand and grasp its true meaning-that this simple secret is the fundamental key to personal growth and success.

I think it is amazing how something so simple can elude the vast majority of people in the world. We simply aren't taught this concept in school. Our society tells us what to think instead of teaching us how to think. As I see it the concept is clear. Some people simply choose to control their destiny and build lives of success, wealth and happiness while others don't. Some people choose success and some don't. It is as simple as that. This secret of success is now available to you-choose to learn and use it.

One of the most profound breakthroughs of my career-planning program was the knowledge that I could influence my individual thought patterns to plan my life. Once I truly realized that my thoughts could control my life, I immediately knew that my next step was to gain control of and monitor my thoughts. This was the crucial breakthrough that gave me the power to decide where my life was taking me. I began creating my own game of life, just as you will, now.

Your Thoughts Control Your

1. Post a 3x5 card or small poster next to your bed that affirms: My Thoughts Control My Life!
2. Create the Highest Version of the Higest Vision of YOU and act in accordance with the vision all the time. In other words THINK, SPEAK, and ACT in tune with the highest vision you have about yourself.
3. Monitor your every thought that moves through the garden of your mind. Protect it with all of your discipline. If a negative thought somehow pierces your armor then destroy it with a positive thought!



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AJ Yager

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Jessica Rose | Jul 10th, 2002
Yeah, well, it sounds all dandy and simple... but its actually extreeemmeeely difficult to control your thoughts. I keep trying. But it's not just a matter of turning on a thought-monitor switch. You really have to change your entire state of mind! But its an interesting perspective. I a whole I agree.

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