by Mark Jasper
Published on: Mar 17, 2010
Type: Opinions

We are but a part of a global family. We are but merely pawns in the game of life, all of us. We are human.

Our humanity, some may say, is the only thing that binds every individual in this planet to a singular union. Yet, it is quite apparent that the common Filipino boy is becoming more and more alike to the common Japanese boy in aspects beyond just their humanity. Clothes, music, literature - all are now commonalities not just shared by the youth of a region or continent but it is shared by the world. From sneakers to skinny jeans, baseball caps to colored spectacles; we the human race, with more emphasis on us, the youth, are more alike in so many ways than we are different.

That is why we see a global set of values slowly surfacing. We see that a set of 'societal norms' is emerging amidst all the communities of young people all over the world.

Although this brings about a sense of joy knowing that we are slowly bridging gaps beyond seas and oceans, beyond color and races, this emergence is a sign of the disintegration of our individuality - the dilution of our cultures as countries. If this is the case, once we the youth take the stage as the forerunners of our countries societies, we will altogether dissolve our culture as a nation, a country, a fellowship of kin.

So we are left to choose to possible outcomes. We are now made to decide whether to opt for a global youth culture which binds us together and erases notions of one being better than the other, or bigotry or racism, or we choose to keep our individual culture and values and retain the color and diversity of our being human - preserving our past and giving us an identity.

The right way to go about this scenario is to choose neither.

Our humanity is the only thing that binds us, but then if we try and force our individualism, even humanity can't identify us. But it is innate in our humanity to be unique and different and be identifiable. This is the answer. We shouldn't have to choose between a local or global culture. We should choose to be human - to have a common set of values and beliefs and to know each other and see each other as equals because that is the truth. Also, we have to stay unique and different and amazing for that is who we are, individuals.

The challenge for youth today isn't really to stay in tune with any culture. It is to keep our humanity intact.

We the youth should embrace what is emerging in the global scene and take it in as a means of furthering ourselves, but not so much that we loose ourselves entirely. As we go on with every challenge that the world throws at us, we should pick up our weapons and fight, go further and guard our humanity.

Our humanity, some may say, is the only thing that binds every individual in this planet to a singular union – and they might just be right.

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