by Romina Oliverio
Published on: Oct 4, 2009
Type: Interviews

Noel joined NABUUR almost three years ago. Since he first became involved, he has supported various online projects, including facilitating a project in Uganda working to set up a vocational training centre for youth in the community. Below Noel shares his experiences and what made him decide to become an online volunteer.

"Some time ago, after completing my degree, I found necessary to increase my international awareness while involving myself in doing something useful and meaningful. Being aware that my time was already pretty squeezed and that I was unable to physically travel to help those people with needs, my aim was to find something that would help me providing my knowledge and resources to those who are not as lucky as I am, by allowing me to continue with my daily routine. After a quick search I came across Nabuur and decided to give it a try, curious about their innovative approach. Three years later, I am still very happy I took that decision.

"Challenges drive my daily life, and online volunteering is not lacking them. By positioning myself as Facilitator, or Online Project Manager, I discovered that –in comparison with old-style projects- motivation was key, rather than timing. Dealing with a team of culturally diverse people is not always an easy task, and if this happens online the challenge increases substantially.

"To overcome these differences with offline projects, organization and friendliness need to come together. Planning and a sense of fair leadership are important, of course, as well as clear ideas and plain communication, but so it is giving a personal touch to the relationship facilitator/volunteer. From my point of view, that is what makes Nabuur unique, the fact that, while improving the life of others, one is able to enjoy incredible moments with people I would have never been able to meet were not for this nonprofit.

"At Nabuur, becoming a friend with your peers is many times more important than delivering a perfect product. And this, compared with other initiatives, makes a difference. In my three years as volunteer I have learned invaluable lessons both from those who are living in underdeveloped countries and from those others that, like me, are using their free time to help the ones that need it more.

"In conclusion, I must say I have never come across an organization that is willing to sacrifice so much for the good of their volunteers and projects, fighting for their values. They have taught me a lot, and I am glad I once felt adventurous and decided to click on their ‘Sign up’ button."

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