by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Published on: May 14, 2009
Type: Poetry

As all children play in their homelands,
And find the Love that nature brings.
Be it high in the mountains or shorelands
Their hearts share the same things.

The happiness that surrounds them,
Must start as they are born
For if this is not known then
Hearts, minds and souls will be torn.

They must all know this Love in the beginning-
and then will carry on forever.
Let their souls and hearts be singing
From the start, or it will be never.

Think deeply of the one you bring
Into our world today.
Resist temptation to bear a life,
That you'll let go astray.

To bring a child into this world
Of the mother and the father.
To realize what True Love is,
And have this child carry it farther.

Too many are born without concern-
Of the growth of human life.
So Stop, and pray, and think and learn
That will ease this worldly strife.

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